Collective questions for Mr. Sneap -thread

Which day to remember song would be a good example? Is this like when you are in car and there is a Subby, and a breakdown comes in and it boooommms through?

If so how do I do this? because i REALLY REALLY want to be able to have this on my bands tracks. (On Breakdowns)


50bucks and I do....haha:)

No man I tell you but promise me(!!!) that you use them carefully and NOT ALL THE TIME. This is a great thing to push one or two breakdowns on a record but not to push everyone, because this becomes more and more annoying!!!

Search the forum (this forum;) ) for subdrubs (like 808, various subkicks...)
download the samples.

1.Then mix your record as you want.
2.When you are ready, open one more audio track
3.Load in a sample which booooommmms enough for you.
4. Zoom into your sequencer and place the sample under the first bassdrum hit of the breakdown.
5.Dont push the subdrop while mixing
6.Do a cut on the subdrop around 400hz
7. The mastering comp will make the subdrop explode (if you use a very short attack time, and release time)
8. The mastering comp will make strange fades but let the drop boom nice and deep (if you use a moderate attack time and a slow release time)

Sick..cheers is that all straight forward to do? how do I do point 6? (I am using Logic Pro Studio btw)

Screw you greyskull lol ...I like the way it sounds, you have a problem with that?

Cheers again Gabriel.

Also I tried typing "subdrubs" in the search filed but only got this topic??
Also I tried typing "subdrubs" in the search filed but only got this topic??

That's because they are called 'sub drops' not 'subdrubs'. ;)

I'd save these questions for your own thread in a different forum rather than clogging up this one dude. I mean that in the nicest possible way.

But these are kinda nooby questions that aren't directly related to Sneap... and the sort of thing that might put him off this great thread.
Thanks a million for all the responses Andy! One question that I don't think has been asked, do you use convolution reverbs at all or just algorithmic? Might be a newb question but I'm assuming DVerb in ProTools is algorithmic and that's all I've heard mention of so far... Not using SIR or anything like that and loading impulses of halls/rooms/etc at all?

just joking . I've used them a lot; and am now trying to ween myself off them.
Become a touch cliché for me, but sometimes they're just right, especially where you dont expect them, take blink 182's last album for example.

Anyhoo the pitchshifter ones off the album are really good.

but this says it better
sub drops are gay, just say no!
I'd save these questions for your own thread in a different forum rather than clogging up this one dude. I mean that in the nicest possible way.

But these are kinda nooby questions that aren't directly related to Sneap... and the sort of thing that might put him off this great thread.

BIG +1
Andy - how do you make drum that "The Undying Darkness" of caliban has.
1) it really has click somewhere in mid range IMO. - is that pitch shifted to get that ? just ,personally ,i have click, but it is too metallic. ((
2) BD smacks (slaps): what do you do for that. ? you have smacking drum after recording from mics or what ?

2. What interface is good all round? I am currently using the Presonus Firestudio Project for Drums/Vocals. It is pretty Crap. I have had to Tweak the shit out of the drums using Drumagog and several inserts to make the drums sound beefy and full. I need something with at least 8 Inputs and something that give me Top end sound quality.

Mmmm... Pretty crap? Just my opinion here but the Presonus Firestudio or Firepod used correctly with some decent mics, combined with a little care and attention and some engineering expertise can achieve more than satisfactory results!

Hey Andy - thanks for answering my previous question. :kickass: