
Originally posted by Blackspirit
Ah! Colossus is my fav Borknagar song ever! And I
think it always will be. I bought their Quintessence
solely for that song. I wasn't even into that type of
metal at the time...

The song has so much energy all the way through
it! I love it! And Simen's voice fits it perfectly. It
can't be explained the way that song makes me
feel. I don't care how well written or well played it
is, it gives me so much I'm unable to put words to
it! :o) Colossus!!! \,,/

Oooh man!!!

It's been so long since I listened to Colossus! I'm at 02:30 now!
Damn it's lovely! I got schills down my neck... so I just had to
write this somewhere! How cool this thread existed!