

This looks really promising. There's a bigger preview here with a more detailed description of what the overall storyline is as well as some artwork samples.
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I was worried that I don't quite understand what a run means in comic book lingo.

I have to go with Watchmen, I really am kinda obsessed with it. But if that isn't technically a run, I'll go with Akira.

If Akira doesn't count because it's a manga (whatever the difference is supposed to be) I'll go with Barry Windsor-Smith's Weapon X, if that even counts as a run. :rofl:

I really love the way Barry Windsor-Smith crafted his story like a slasher film, his art is fucking fantastic but I also feel like he's an underrated writer.

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Miller lost it a loooonng time ago.

I was worried that I don't quite understand what a run means in comic book lingo.

I have to go with Watchmen, I really am kinda obsessed with it. But if that isn't technically a run, I'll go with Akira.

If Akira doesn't count because it's a manga (whatever the difference is supposed to be) I'll go with Barry Windsor-Smith's Weapon X, if that even counts as a run. :rofl:

I really love the way Barry Windsor-Smith crafted his story like a slasher film, his art is fucking fantastic but I also feel like he's an underrated writer.

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Not familiar with manga, but the rest of those are fuckin' top notch stuff.

Classic: Claremonts X-Men, John Byrnes Fantastic Four, Walt Simonsons Thor, Paul Chadwicks Concrete. Frank Millers The Dark Knight Returns, Peter Davids Incredible Hulk Loebs and Sales Batman runs(The Long Holloween, Dark Victory) arent from the 70's-80's like the rest of this list but id rather put them up here

Modern: Astonishing X-Men, Brubakers Daredevil and Captain America runs, Geoff Johns Green Lantern, Hickmans Fantastic Four, Ellis and Robertsons Transmetropolitan, Brubakers/Phillips Criminal. Ennis and Dillons Preacher, Joe Hills Lock & Key and finally Sam Keiths The Maxx(the first 20 or so issues)

Scalped, 100 Bullets, Planetary, Moores Swamp Thing, PunisherMAX, All-Star Superman and Peter Davis second X-FActor are up there too.

Pretty sure i left a few out, but that looks good enough.
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So if none of those were not runs and I didn't fuck up, since you asked what's our top favourite, our the favourite - mine is definitely Watchmen.

I'm actually already feeling the urge to re-read it again.

If he doesn't die first.
Miller lost it a loooonng time ago.

I heard that DK3 wasn't so good, I wonder if it's better than DK2 at least?
Well Blueberry is probably my all time fav comic but not sure if you can call it a run in the American sense. It is serialized tho.

If we are talking strictly American style comics probaby Delanos Hellblazer.