Love his Swamp Thing, classic stuff. :/
So... I've been binge reading the new Marvel Star Wars comics (got all of them, but haven't been keeping up on the reading) Not entirely sure what to make of it, some of it is great, like the Han Solo mini series for example and I also love Doctor Aphra, a cool character with flaws that makes her interesting and fun to read about.
Some stuff is just too awkward though, waaay too much out of character stuff and Whats up with the gunpowder weapons? Does not fit, at all. And some stories are down right embarassing, like the Princess Leia issues about her gathering the alderaanian people. Leia is actually portrayed really bad in general imo.
I think I liked the old canon more, but that may be me being used to characters like Jacen, Jana, Mara Jade, etc.