
Yeah i stopped collection singles a looong time ago( i have way too many long boxes in the closets), but got back in around 06' or 07'(i think) for a little bit ...Grant Morrison's Batman RIP run, Marvels Civil War-Secret Invasion, Johns' Lanter run, etc.

Do you have any all-time favourites in general?
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Nothing tops Frank Miller's Daredevil run for me. But yeah, way too many to list. I love old school X-Men. Even the 90's cheesefest. Im a huge fan of a lot of the stuff Jason Aaron does(especially Scalped). Loeb and Sale's Batman, Punisher MAX, Lock & Key. Jonathan Hickman is fucking awesome (Nightly News, Pax Romana, Fantastic Four). Wayy too many to list tbh lol.

I'll throw an underdog favorite of mines out there, Paul Chadwick's Concrete is gold.
I'll throw an underdog favorite of mines out there, Paul Chadwick's Concrete is gold.

Never heard of it but I Googled it and man it looks awesome!


That cinderblock throne is fantastic.

Nothing tops Frank Miller's Daredevil run for me.

Oh dude, I am in general a Miller fanboy, but his Daredevil is so damn good that I find it hard to see Daredevil in any other light or writer's/artist's interpretation. He also invented Elektra and Stick so how can he be denied?

I love old school X-Men.

Speaking of, I think Miller's Wolverine is right at the very top for me.

Punisher MAX

This one is easily one of my favourite series, I had a weird feeling you'd be a Punisher fan. :thumbsup:

I'm a huge fan of The Watchmen myself.
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Will do! I just won a copy of Miller's Ronin on Ebay for cheap as chips. So happy, I knew holding off on a brand new copy would pay off.

Btw, have you checked out The White Donkey? I think you and even @Dak might like it.

I'm way behind on my comics reading as well. Nowadays, I'm getting stuff and after I read it, I list it on eBay.
Watching a lot of Capn Cummings lately. The guy objectively reviews comic books for their art and writing as well as criticising any SJW PC bullshit he finds in them, but will positively review something with a SJW PC agenda/plot if he thinks the writing is creative etc. Great Youtuber.
Matt Wagner is completely destroying with his run on the Dynamite Shadow comics, Daredevil is readable, and, hell, phenomenal since the departure of Waid Fag.
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Third Elric comic incoming in the future too. Can hardly wait, that and I wonder where Scott Snyder is taking Batman next, haven't been reading up on that like I should be.