
Bouncer is really good the story can get abit trippy in places but that is usual for Jodorowsky, already got them in swedish though, but highly recommended to anyone else looking for good western comics (why is europe much better at western than the us)?

(New York) For the first time since their original printing, Mike Diana's infamous
homemade fanzines BOILED ANGEL are being reprinted exclusively by Mike,
and now available for pre-order! These are the zines ordered by the FDLE
(Florida Dept of Law Enforcement) leading to Mike's arrest, trial, and tribulations.

With BOILED ANGEL LIVES Box Set you get all eight issues of Boiled Angel,
along with a Certificate of Authenticity signed by Mike. Each box is signed and
numbered on inside lid, each issue signed/numbered on inside front cover.

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Looks beautiful. The first thing I thought of was Arzach by Moebius, which also is a comic without dialogue.The next thing I thought of was Miyazaki and especially his Laputa and Future Boy Conan. Funny that both Moebius and Miyazaki was mentioned in the link. :)
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Haven't read any Green Lantern since Blackest Night. New stuff any good?

Of the newer Green Lantern comic books I've only read Green Lantern: Rebirth which is an '04-'05 six issue story. It's Geoff Johns' attempt to bring back silver age Hal Jordan (in 1994 DC replaced Hal Jordan with Kyle Reynor by making Hal lose his mind and become the evil character Parallax) by reinterpreting previous events in Green Lantern canon to bring him back to the fold as a hero rather than the villain he progressed into, pretty good stuff.

He definitely put a lot of effort into it.
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Yeah I've read Geoff Johns run all the way up to Blackest Night, which started with Rebirth. It was one of the best runs in "modern" comics. You should keep going, Sinestro Corps War, Agent Orange etc are the shit. I have Brightest Day and War of the Green Lanterns on TPB but havent got around to reading them yet.

edit: i bet you'd have blast going through my collection. I have books that go waaay backl. My grandfather had somehow scored some old 60's comics(Daredevil, Captain America, Detective Comics, Batman, etc). I have some real gems in there. And a bunch of shit that i also picked up when i was a youngster.

I'll post pics one day when i pull out the boxes and dust them off.
Yeah I've read Geoff Johns run all the way up to Blackest Night, which started with Rebirth. It was one of the best runs in "modern" comics. You should keep going, Sinestro Corps War, Agent Orange etc are the shit. I have Brightest Day and War of the Green Lanterns on TPB but havent got around to reading them yet.

I was going to recommend them next but if you overload with recommendations people usually just go "meh." :lol:

edit: i bet you'd have blast going through my collection. I have books that go waaay backl. My grandfather had somehow scored some old 60's comics(Daredevil, Captain America, Detective Comics, Batman, etc). I have some real gems in there. And a bunch of shit that i also picked up when i was a youngster.

I'll post pics one day when i pull out the boxes and dust them off.

Post them here! That would be awesome to look through. I personally try not to collect singles, because I didn't get into comic books until my late teens, but I love all the old covers so much, especially Daredevil's.
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Yeah i stopped collection singles a looong time ago( i have way too many long boxes in the closets), but got back in around 06' or 07'(i think) for a little bit ...Grant Morrison's Batman RIP run, Marvels Civil War-Secret Invasion, Johns' Lanter run, etc.