
I don't remember this being true (however the last time I read it was nearly 10 years ago) but I've been told a few times that volume 1 of the Frank Miller Daredevil collection is story-wise not very cohesive. Basically what this guy is saying:

Is that true?
.. yeah that guy clearly shouldnt be reading superhero comics with such ridiculous complaints. The funniest one was probably how he was like "OH NO THERE ARE OTHER ARTISTS AND WRITERS WHO CONTRIBUTED TO A RUN OR ISSUES BETWEEN RUNS". "OH NOEZ BACK STORIES" Yeah, this guy is definitely not a comic book reader.

Also, Original Sins is a good place to start with Hellblazer but there are much better runs that follow.

edit: Oh and btw i was never a fan of Dareveil until i read Millers run

edit2: what a horribly painful clip to watch, this guy was a joke
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Also, Original Sins is a good place to start with Hellblazer but there are much better runs that follow.
If you by this mean that there are better runs than all of Delanos I strongly disagree. There are obv lots of other great runs, but imo most of them are too stereotypical and falls too much in established thropes around the series. Delanos series revolve just enough about magic and the occult to make it interesting while mainly being rooted in english working class and political criticism.
If you by this mean that there are better runs than all of Delanos I strongly disagree. There are obv lots of other great runs, but imo most of them are too stereotypical and falls too much in established thropes around the series. Delanos series revolve just enough about magic and the occult to make it interesting while mainly being rooted in english working class and political criticism.
Garth Ennis' work probably stands supreme for me. Warren Ellis' stuff was pretty good too from what i remember. It's been a while though.

I'm going to guess and say that you're also a huge Sandman/Neil Gaiman fan?
@CASSETTEISGOD oh and i forgot to mention this little gem earlier

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yea man it's like an alternate universe/reality type of story from what i remember. That one and Age of Apocalypse are the ones you want to stay away form until you've read up on them a little. Especially the latter.

Claremonts original run was the best. I'm not sure if they have any Omninbus' in print right now though
yeah, later on they split the series up and went blue team-red team or whatever. There was The Uncanny X-Men book and there was the regular new X-Men book, shit got a little confusing during that time but i was loving it heh. His whole run was pretty good though, it's just that he started to lose some steam towards end and stories started to get convoluted and stuff.

I'm saying dont start with this(even though it's a pretty cool read/series).

Read The Uncanny X-Men first.

btw i have the the second one from the left in perfect condition :D
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tbh Claremonts run is long as fuck, so it's kind of hard to recommend. Especially if you're reading a bunch of other stuff. Warren Ellis' Astonishing X-Men is a pretty solid(and hihgly acclaimed) run that can be read as a standalone. Same goes for a few other X-Men runs/stories, including God Loves, Man Kills, which is basically a long ass one-shot.