
Oh okay, well yeah that's definitely true and it was even hugely popular among people who usually oppose feminism/SJW stuff. It was mostly a total fan favourite across the board and my issues with the film have nothing to do with political hackery, I think it tackled gender relations and social justice themes very well. Helps that Gal Gadot is an extremely charming, likeable and believably tough actor.

I hear very good things about Aquaman.
Disagree, thought it pretty much stunk. I preferred BvS: Dawn of Justice.

I thought Affleck's Batman was fucking awesome, the way he fought enemies tactically, used a voice amplifier to hide his voice rather than growling spastically like Bale did. A shame nothing seems to have panned out for Affleck to do his solo Batman film, I think it would have probably been quite cool.

I still haven't seen Justice League or Aquaman yet though.
i actually thought batman begins was awesome
which prolly sounds weird because i really hated the dark knight and the dark knight returns
oh, god, those 2 movies were horrible
You're an idiot, they were great. But that's irrelevant because those aren't DCU films.

I think the best way to sum up Wonder Woman is that it had an a-list cast but a c-list director and it really shows. You should go watch it.
they hired christian bale with the expectation that he would be in a justice league movie
you can clearly see it in the way the dawn of justice script was a modified version of superman in a movie with christian bale's batman
but then christopher nolan decided "i don't want my version of batman in a justice league universe"
and then DC just went ahead and just made dawn of justice with a re-booted-batman

i've seen bit's and pieces of wonder woman, will prolly see the whole thing at some point
I hear very good things about Aquaman.
I found it very entertaining and less "serious" than Justice League and Wonder Woman - especially one scene somewhere in the beginning. Still I'd say that out of these three, I liked Wonder Woman slightly better, whereas Justice League was the weakest of them, yet still OK.

On another note, I don't know if anyone here might be interested in these, but Royal Mail will issue Marvel comic stamps in just a few days:

While not being a fan of Marvel comics, I might still order a set of the regular stamps and miniature sheet - currently "hidden" on page 2. (I wonder who buys those overpriced frames and silver medal covers.)
I found it very entertaining and less "serious" than Justice League and Wonder Woman - especially one scene somewhere in the beginning. Still I'd say that out of these three, I liked Wonder Woman slightly better, whereas Justice League was the weakest of them, yet still OK.

If Wonder Woman was better than the rest I guess I'll skip them all. Shit movie.
If Wonder Woman was better than the rest I guess I'll skip them all. Shit movie.
Strange kind of logic. People do happen to have different tastes, so what makes you think that just because I liked a movie you didn't like at all better than two movies you haven't seen yet, you'd dislike these two movies as well?
Dark Knight Rises was very meh

Best of the lot!

Strange kind of logic. People do happen to have different tastes, so what makes you think that just because I liked a movie you didn't like at all better than two movies you haven't seen yet, you'd dislike these two movies as well?

Just a hunch, and it's not like your opinion that Wonder Woman is the best DCU film so far is obscure, I daresay it's the popular view.
Wonder Woman was a really good movie, but I did think it got WAY too much praise overall. I liked/loved it, but it doesn't transcend the superhero genre to become a great movie bar none.

Aquaman was excellent, but it is also no more than a superhero movie.

This is not to downgrade them as films but both pale in comparison to Captain America: The Winter Soldier which I thought was the best superhero movie that's been made and it managed to be more than that because it was also the best of those 1970 political thriller type movies as well.

I'll own all three on DVD though!
I think I've said it before here so I guess I'll say it again. The problem with the film, setting aside the total dogshit-tier third act, is that it couldn't decide on Wonder Woman's mortality. On one hand you have her stomping across a battlefield and single-handedly breaching enemy lines like a juggernaut, but on the other hand it tries to portray this feeling that she might be hurt or killed at any moment and that normal mortal people need to sacrifice themselves, and metaphorically jump in front of a bullet for her.
I just don't get how anybody could say Wonder Woman was anything more than average at best. That whole third act was an abomination.

I'll give you that. The third act was bad. But as was stated in a previous follow up post, the first two acts were great. Which is why overall it was a really good film in my estimation.
the "original screenplay" (filled with characters that don't exist outside of the single movie) is dying a slow cancer death
as proof of this
some pre-existing superhero character that none of you has ever even heard of is getting her own movie (probably really soon)
monica rambeau movie - Google Search
the "original screenplay" (filled with characters that don't exist outside of the single movie) is dying a slow cancer death
as proof of this
some pre-existing superhero character that none of you has ever even heard of is getting her own movie (probably really soon)
monica rambeau movie - Google Search

Speaking of black female heroes, I always wanted a solo Storm movie.
the "original screenplay" (filled with characters that don't exist outside of the single movie) is dying a slow cancer death
as proof of this
some pre-existing superhero character that none of you has ever even heard of is getting her own movie (probably really soon)
monica rambeau movie - Google Search

Ahem, I've heard of her. Used to read The Mighty Avengers series when she was in it.