Comment on EoR

  • Thread starter Hillstreet Metalguard
  • Start date

Hillstreet Metalguard

When I heard that Kelly is to produce the new Nevermore album, I had some doubts about how the album will turn out. And it seems that I was right. The songs are great, playing is awesome but the album sounds like somebody stuffed his dirty underwear on my speakers! I understand that they might have went for an more "live" sounding mix, but still the album sounds "muffled" and it`s hard to hear what everyone is playing. Put on DHIADW, DNB or whatever of the previous albums and you`ll hear what I mean. Well, at least the songs are great.
Hillstreet Metalguard said:
When I heard that Kelly is to produce the new Nevermore album, I had some doubts about how the album will turn out. And it seems that I was right. The songs are great, playing is awesome but the album sounds like somebody stuffed his dirty underwear on my speakers! I understand that they might have went for an more "live" sounding mix, but still the album sounds "muffled" and it`s hard to hear what everyone is playing. Put on DHIADW, DNB or whatever of the previous albums and you`ll hear what I mean. Well, at least the songs are great.

I agree the album could have sound better, but I also think the production is still very reasonable. For me it was just a matter to get used to a different, more compact sound.

I am very curious how Nevermore sounds live nowadays!