Comments on the technical issues


Feb 12, 2002
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I have seen many posts in regards to technical issue and would like to address them, as there are MANY things different than a “regular” live show. It does seem like there were a lot more than normal this year. I do not know why

To address the overall “sound” issues:
- First, in a regular show, the headliner will do a soundcheck.
- They use their own gear
- They use their own crew who know what the band wants and how they want it (We try to do our best)
- They usually have a LONG time to do so, and get the monitors and front of house sound dialed in. Once it is set, they DO NOT touch it (or strike as it is called).

Progpower is not a regular show.
Monitors, sounds, and volume levels change based on the preference of each band.
Add the fact that the amps, stage layout, and settings get changed. Each time. So yes, things can get chaotic.
Add bands that DO NOT SHOW up for soundcheck, then pop in just before their set and want to use gear that is not onstage.
Add the need for a clean signal to the studio so you can get an enjoyable/usable DVD. That alone would normally be a few hours, with production meetings between studio guys, sound guys, lighting guys and stage crew.

Other issues:
Bands whos wirelesses are on the wrong frequency
Bands who are not familiar with the rental gear and may think the amp is broken when it was fine
Bands who do not bring a backup guitar but do not tell the crew they might need one. Then, they should tell us what tuning they are in since there are about 6-8 different tunings used during the weekend (unless it is an Evergrey or Freak Kitchen year, and then the number of different tunings go up to about 14-16 lol). 99% of the time, we are on top of this and ask the band, as most bands can attest to. I had a back-up set up for each guitarist stage left as they were on during the 2 main days…
Bands who show up with non working gear (from cables, to pickups) and expect us to have time to do repairs

What is important on ANY show of ANY tour is not being ready for the expected.. but how do you recover from the unexpected.
If a Euro/US power converter that is feeding multiple pieces of gear gets unplugged somehow, it causes hell as can be witnessed during After Forever’s set.
The important thing is their tech and our crew worked together to FIND the unplugged converter in the dark, have a multi meter ready within seconds, take a reading to see what could be re-used and what had to be re-routed, and got it fixed in minutes. YES it seemed like an eternity (to us too, trust me).. but the band was awesomely pro and worked around it (their tech was awesome as well). THAT is what it is all about. They were total pros. Not that s**t happens, but how do people react WHEN it happens.
Not sure what is happening with the wireless vocal mics… batteries are changed all night !
Anyway – thanks for letting me vent

You guys do a fantastic job year after year, and though problems like the ones faced this year may cause a slight uproar, I'm sure everyone here knows just how hard you guys work to make it all flow painlessly for us. Take the complaining as a complement as well, to previous years when everything sounded awesome.
Wayne, I'm totally on your side, and I completely understand the chaos that can happen. It's Murphy's Law! I come to every gig with completely useless tools and supplies, expecting any kind of technical fubar. Shit WILL happen. You'll never hear me say you guys don't know what you're doing, that's for DAMN sure.

Helluva weekend, but what a crazy CRAZY time trying to keep that All-Star Jam from self-destructing. You guys musta been going insane for that!

Bravo, job well done. Thank you infinitely.
Hey thats live music for you, Concerts are meant to be raw sometimes, i been to over 500 shows so, live mistakes don't bother me, Progpower is awesome no matter what, it takes alot to pull something like this off, i thought everything was great, maybe i miss mistakes cause i know it can happen i look and all the good stuff that happens at live shows..Anyway thought i would share that..:headbang:
Helluva weekend, but what a crazy CRAZY time trying to keep that All-Star Jam from self-destructing. You guys musta been going insane for that!

Thanks for the kind words/understanding/support.
Yeah - CRAZY?!? You have NO idea! :lol:
I do have to say it was easier to find people this year than it was last year for "Stars"
Same as last year - with the jam, I was busy scouring the venure trying to round up guest musicians. This year, I would like to have been warming up before the crew jam ! :zombie::ill:
Wayne and his crew does a fantastic job. They really are the best. If they weren't, Glenn would find somebody else to do this fest.
Having worked with live sound and video for many years, I can easily say that you guys do an amazing job, and are probably the best crew I've ever seen for a show. Shit happens some times, and there's no way to avoid it, but you guys seem really prepared for anything, and get the problems resolved quickly.

Keep kicking ass, thanks again for all your hard work, and I look forward to next year's show!

Hey Wayne - you guys were balls out and did a killer job for us up there. I'm bummed about my wireless - which as you know is a pretty high-end Sennheiser that shouldn't have had that problem. As a matter of fact, naturally, that's the only time it has ever happened to me. Figures, right? No idea....worked totally fine until I got to the other side of the drum riser and then it went dead. I'm wondering if it was on the same frequency somehow as one of the vocal wirelesses or something....oh well.
You guys do the best that you can every year. I applaud you many times for your dedication and resolve every year. As one who use to sit behind a sound board (but not at this level), i can only imagine the headaches you go through before, during and after the festival. "WOOT, WOOT" to the crew!
Hey Wayne - you guys were balls out and did a killer job for us up there. I'm bummed about my wireless - which as you know is a pretty high-end Sennheiser that shouldn't have had that problem. As a matter of fact, naturally, that's the only time it has ever happened to me. Figures, right? No idea....worked totally fine until I got to the other side of the drum riser and then it went dead. I'm wondering if it was on the same frequency somehow as one of the vocal wirelesses or something....oh well.

Jon -
No prob - we are there for the bands.
Hahaha - I wasn't directing that wireless comment at you bro! There were a couple of the pro bands that had similar issues, though one was due to that special wire/connector that always breaks on the high end stuff (like a mini threaded RCA to 1/4"). Probably courtesy of Air France or the baggage gorillas at Heathrow ! :ill:
The other I have NO comment on :Smug:
Jon -
No prob - we are there for the bands.
Hahaha - I wasn't directing that wireless comment at you bro! There were a couple of the pro bands that had similar issues, though one was due to that special wire/connector that always breaks on the high end stuff (like a mini threaded RCA to 1/4"). Probably courtesy of Air France or the baggage gorillas at Heathrow ! :ill:
The other I have NO comment on :Smug:

Heh, that's my cable! =)

You know what sucks about that wireless? And Zane uses the same one as well - you can't get replacement cables anywhere. Guitar Center look at you like you're crazy when you ask for it. haven't ever found one online either.
Pretty sure it is called a CI1 instrument cable. Available directly through them in CT at (860) 434-9190. Open until 8PM EST.
When you call, you will get Libby. They are $44 plus $5 for shipping
Also available through B&H Photo for $39.50, but shipping may be higher.
Good luck !

PS: I may start stocking them in my tech box as they have been an issue any time I have toured with someone who uses that model. Of course, I';d have a stocking fee and emergency mark-up fee to tack on ! :lol:
The problem with wireless is that it will work one minute, and not the next... and then an hour later it will work again.
One technical thing I've noticed is that "traditional" American power metal bands seem to have horrible sound at ProgPower. I noticed it at II with Steel Prophet, and again this year with Virgin Steele. I can't help thinking that Jag Panzer, for example, would probably have a similar issue. What causes this? Is it because these bands ask for their sound a certain way, or are unprepared, or use their own guy? Or (I doubt this is the case) does the house guy not know how to properly work with those kinds of bands?

Or, is it because they both have "steel" in their name? ;)
I think, if a band has some sort of requests for the mix and they seem to not understand the acoustics of the venue or good mixing in general...engineers ought to say "Sure thing boss!" just to shut them up and then do whatever sounds best anyway. That's why people hire sound engineers, after all.