compilation v2?

just copied the rules by Mick from comp.1:

Right o.k. Heres them rules.
" 1. MP3 format not below 128 thingies
2. Maximum 6 minutes running time
3. No joke entries, they will be spotted and you will be disqualified
4. The album will be moderated and arranged. By me. So if I dont feel a track is contributing to the album it'll get pulled out and you may submit a second entry. Once the running order is sorted we will move onto artwork in which case people may submit suggestions. The artwork will be moderated. By moi.
5. Seeing as its the Antimatter forum, you must submit a piece of music that is moody and moving.
Dems da rules"

I would add - if its not problem for mehdi - that 160 or 192 K is far better and enough. (Means 5-6Mb)

and if space is a problem, i can help..
Morpheus said:
:oops: cheers! Honestly, you can have my place, for i already took part in the first round.

Oh, thank you indeed, but I've calmed down :Spin: Just go ahead and upload your song. I've had so many songs in mind anyway, lol, I couldn't choose.
128k is okay really, but if you go nit picking 160 is alright, but keep in mind that some people still use 56k modems.
shite, i upped one song but i became totally confused cos i have some 2-3 others and cant choose. i have them on me server. some _really_ doomed ones.. :)

Mick, can I send u my links in pm? if its out of the rules to leave the choice to u, you can still have them, haha..
mine is up already.... and i bet many people will be terrified hehehe, mind you, the next one will be even more terrifying :devil:
so, so far we have these 7 songs :

Päivän Peili
Duran Duran
Skunk Anansie
keren ann
the white birch

who are the 5 lazy cunts? :(