compilation v2?

Bambi said:
its always the same when you organise something some smartarse gets on and has to have the scoop
Well ok if you ask me, i have to tell you : i know the guy who owns the server, i mean, i know him...personnally. But i cant say more ,i guess you understand know...privacy and that...
hey mehdji btw i noticed my mp3 was corrupted ( there's this " slouitch* in the middle of the song ) so i'm getting a better one and i'll upload it again. hope it's not too late
Lenore said:
hey mehdji btw i noticed my mp3 was corrupted ( there's this " slouitch* in the middle of the song ) so i'm getting a better one and i'll upload it again. hope it's not too late

es ist nicht zu spät.
hey, where's Mick to tell us about the songs?

though i found some of them too funny and not dark at all. in fact, i think of changing my upload as well to a depressed one..