Concerts - 2004

i have seen 30-40 bands live within the past month (i've been to 3 festivals and lots of gigs), so i decided not to go to gigs for a while.

st00pid lack of money :bah:

idari said:
I can't wait to see Before The Dawn in a few weeeeeks :p

they were so good <3
i've been to Kaltenbach-Open-Air last week-end and it was FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN :yell: :rock:
though ImpNaz with a slut onstage was quite a bit irritating :confused: :hypno:

my next festival will be up-from-the-ground in late august, in germany and when looking at the line-up, it will be just as great :kickass:
siren: allrightie, no need to worry, then. :) I´ll just wait and check the page once in a while as long as time doesn´t draw alarmingly near without anything happening. from the little plane ticket researching I´ve done there seem to be affordable ones, so at least right now I feel kind of optimistic about the situation.

oh, and translations, if needed, are no problem since I have greekish friend. I just didn´t feel like asking him to read it all through just to see if there was anything of value...
but thanks for the info. I might get back to you on the hotels when the venue is set.
@Delirious: the venue seems to be set, but only for two days after all (29 & 30 of October). it's the same venue as last year, and the same in which DT played in '02, it's probably the best around.
i'm still a bit unsure about the whole thing yet, at some point ppl were worried that it'll get cancelled, and the dates were disappeared from news-sites. if you're still interested i'll keep you posted when i find more news, probably through pm.
well, i'm still not sure if i'm going, i don't know my schedule with classes and hospital as of yet, and i don't know how my other plans will evolve. but for sure i'll keep looking into it and provide all the info i can, no worry about that. :)
In Flames' special show September 26.
The Black Dahlia Murder October 11 & 14.
Siren said:
Seelenschmerz Festival is postponed for May 2005 to a new venue...
rahvin said:
it would have been a problem for me to travel around the end of october anyway, i guess.
maybe in may i can even bring someone along... i wonder.
Oh drats ..I was going to go too
And May is not good for me ..graduation and the such :rolleyes:

La Rocque said:
Lamb of God (these guys are the future of metal)
Fear Factory
Children of Bodom

Will see these in early Oct. and I will bring someone along
Bring me, ya basta'd !! :D

I really wanted to make it somewhere in this tour, but the nearest they come is too far, and at a bad time :bah:
I was hoping they'd play in Toronto, at least.

EDIT: They are playing in Toronto after all :D