Concerts - 2005

Venenum Veritas said:
woohoo! Meshuggah, The Haunted, and Mnemic tommorow and monday! I'm actually going to see if i can record the show on monday. geez i'm going to be extremely tired on monday and tuesday :rolleyes:

so now that i'm finally well rested let me tell you all my story of the Sunday night show. It was great!... until some fucking crackhead decided to headbutt me (on purpose!) and cut me right above my left eyebrow :mad:
I have the worse luck. Man was my face bloody as hell! [and i was wearing my Bloodbath shirt :rolleyes: ] Security was very helpful that night so they gave me an icepack to apply pressure to the cut. The show would have ended in about 5-10 more minutes. I had to get 6 stiches and with the trip to the hospital and the waiting i only had about 3 hours of sleep and then had to wake up and go to school :lol: only to leave right after school to go to the same show later that night in Santa Ana :).
Did security do anything about the guy or did they just help you out?

Sounds like a funny story in the end: "...i only had about 3 hours of sleep and then had to wake up and go to school only to leave right after school to go to the same show later that night in Santa Ana."
Good for you for wanting to do that. The taste of vengeance is oh so sweet and pleasant. =P Too bad you couldn't. Eh, you'll get your vengeance one way or another... even if it's just by making everyone on this board hate the guy for having done such damage to you. ;)

i think it might leave some kick ass scar :loco:
napalm death plays here this saturday but i might have to miss it if we go to that camping trip... buuuut
dec 1- Paradise Lost
yay! they've never been here... saw them once already and wasn't too impressed, but that might be because i had a fever and they were only playing new material
I'll be seeing Opeth this week and Nevermore is on the bill
third time this year for La Rocque and Nevermore
and he has had enough of them, I know I said it before but its worth repeating

And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming,
And the lamp-light o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;
And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
Shall be lifted - nevermore
Next show for me will be the ARNHEM METAL MEETING

Arnhem, Netherlands
Saturday, November 26, 2005

Just saw Macabre and Gorgasm last Friday. Took some pics but they were not so good. Went to a new venue to see the show. It was a decent place. Pretty nice size. Decent sized crowd in attendance. Gorgasm will play again this Wednesday opening for

Dew Scented

I hope to make it out to that one! =)
@wildfyr: I hope to see those pictures soon. ;)

I'm planning to see Hurra Torpedo this coming Thursday in Hollywood. Yup, the Norwegian band that bang on kitchen appliances to hit tunes. :D
kupshi, I wish I could go there too but no more money, but next show for me will be the metal meeting in ludwigshafen with god dethroned and primordial in 12 days... then the xmas fest in vienna or innsbruck, then opeth in vienna and finally dark tranquillity in linz and maybe munich :)
january is waiting with children of bodom, probably sieges even and dead soul tribe in germany, helloween and primal fear and shever (a friends doom band)

lots of things to see :)
La Rocque said:
A friend asked me to go see Trans-Siberian Orchestra???
I think it's a World Music thing?

savatage spin-off with orchestral metal parts blended in with the kind of chamber music people play at christmas. i do enjoy their music from time to time, but you should listen to a few songs before accepting, as there is the very serious chance of you passing out from boredom.
Arch said:
@wildfyr: I hope to see those pictures soon. ;)

I'm planning to see Hurra Torpedo this coming Thursday in Hollywood. Yup, the Norwegian band that bang on kitchen appliances to hit tunes. :D

Thanks Arch. My site has been updated...probably twice since your message here. ;)

I'm looking forward to your pictures, too.
I'm hoping to go to Motala to see DT on saturday, since i won't be able to attend their gig in Stockholm in December (for being in France, at my parents place for Xmas then)

Next, Flogging Molly on the 21st, and then i don't know... At the latest, Oasis in January, but i really hope that Opeth will be playing in Stockholm again...
@wildfyr: is macabre a fun live act? i like their old studio stuff, have no idea about the rest. but i sort of always wondered how they would look on a stage.

and thanks for welcoming me back in the other thread. :)