CONFIRMED: Dio has left us :(


UM's Resident Asshole
Apr 22, 2003
Maplewood, Minnesota
"Today my heart is broken, Ronnie passed away at 7:45am 16th May.
Many, many friends and family were able to say their private good-byes
before he peacefully passed away. Ronnie knew how much he
was loved by all. We so appreciate the love and support that you have
all given us. Please give us a few days of privacy to deal with this
terrible loss. Please know he loved you all and his music will live on forever.

My heart had been pulled in so many directions over the last 12-14 hours. I am truly saddened by this. It is always sad to hear of the death of a member of the metal community, but this is the first time I personally have felt the sting for someone I had never met, but only heard so much great about. My thoughts extend to Wendy Dio, their family and all friend and fans worldwide. This is a very sad day for metal.

Rest in Peace Ronnie James Dio! :rock:
I can't quite believe it. I just sort of assumed Dio would live forever, even though I logically knew better. :(

I'm glad I got to see him perform with Heaven and Hell a couple of years ago. It was a great concert and Dio was a fantastic frontman.
I can't believe he's gone. I just always assumed he would beat this.I was so looking forward to the new Magica albums, but i guess that wasnt to be. I'm glad i got to see him perform many times with Dio and H&H. But devastated we'll never get to see that Rainbow reunion. I got to meet him once back in 97 and he was so nice. RIP Ronnie, a dark day for metal :( :(
...I honestly can't express how sad I am about this. I was so hoping he'd pull through this thing and get back on stage again. :erk: I'm grateful that I was able to see him live at least once in my lifetime during his last Heaven & Hell Tour.

R.I.P. Ronnie James'll truly be missed by all. :cry:

Oh man, this is such a sad day. RIP Ronnie, RIP. \m/

We catered the Albq H&H show last summer, and Dio as always, was such a kind, humble and gracious human. As the band was leaving the after show meet n greet heading for their buses, he came up to me, shook my hand and told me what a great job we had all done that day with the food/dressing rooms, etc. I'm sure that he did this at many, if not all, stops along the tour but it was still extremely awesome of him to take the time.
Absolutely horrible news. Dio was as close to as a metal God as you can get. Saw him with Rainbow a million years ago and then probably 15 times more times with Dio and Sabbath / Heaven & Hell.

A very, very sad day for us all.

R.I.P Ronnie. You will be missed.