Conflict Marijuana

should marijuana be legalized?

  • yes

    Votes: 63 69.2%
  • no

    Votes: 28 30.8%

  • Total voters
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Demiurge said:
Marijuana is less impairing than alcohol, so while driving under its influence is irresponsible, it is less dangerous. This has been verified by studies and is more than my personal opinion.

Marijuana may be less of hazard when compared to Alcohol and other drugs, but it none the less negatively effects reaction time and motor function and should not be taken lightly.

"As with alcohol, prlonged use of marijuana seems to have a cumulative effect. This shows up as slower raction times in perceptual-motor tasks." (Varma & Malhotra, 1988).

"..decreases the speed of visual information processing." (Braff, Silverton, Saccuzzo, & Janowsky, 1981).

"..changes in depth perception and distortions in the perception of size." (Tart, 1971).

"..[the study caused] one group of experimenters to caution against night driving while under the influence of marijuana." (Sharma & Moskowitz, 1972).
I agree. That is why I called it "irresponsible."

Here is an excerpt from a study:

“Overall, it is possible to conclude that cannabis has a measurable effect on psychomotor performance, particularly tracking ability. Its effect on higher cognitive functions, for example divided attention tasks associated with driving, appear not to be as critical. Drivers under the influence of cannabis seem aware that they are impaired, and attempt to compensate for this impairment by reducing the difficulty of the driving task, for example by driving more slowly.

In terms of road safety, it cannot be concluded that driving under the influence of cannabis is not a hazard, as the effects of various aspects of driver performance are unpredictable. However, in comparison with alcohol, the severe effects of alcohol on the higher cognitive processes of driving are likely to make this more of a hazard, particularly at higher blood alcohol levels.”

REFERENCE: B. Sexton et al. 2000. The influence of cannabis on driving: A report prepared for the UK Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (Road Safety Division). Crowthorne, Berks: TRL Limited.
Cannibis use (particularly skunk) by teenagers is proven to increase the chance of developing schizophrenia by about 3 times.
Alcohol in moderate amounts is good for the health, but because people often over-do it that makes it very harmful.
The trouble is that it seems wrong that there should have to be laws against all the stupid things people do. I'd agree that a culture of not using it should be encouraged instead.

I think it's becoming increasingly difficult to find out exactly what cannabis does do, but I know for sure moderate use of cannabis is no more dangerous that drinking alcohol is moderation.

Although I have not smoked cannabis for many years, I am in support of making it legal, in the correct way. Cannabis for medical usage should have been made entirely above board decades ago and I believe that regulated quanitites of small amounts of cannabis should be legal to buy for those over 18 to smoke in designated "cafe's" like in Amsterdam, or in the privacy of their own abodes.

I support the legalisation of LSD in the same manner, although I also have not used it for many years either.
If regulated like alcohol or cigarettes I think legalizing marajuana can be very good for taxes and other government revenue. I know that while living in Canada, A LOT of people smoked marajuana. More than you would even imagine. And in a country like that if it is regulated properly the country can really benifet from it.

Of course dealing would be illegal still and underage possession. Like alcohol, zero tollerance on job sites and while operating heavy machinery or cars.

And honestly, from personal use in the past and talking to people, it is very hard to explain what the effects are. And if you know a lot about the drug, you'll know that there are different types of it and there are different effects from each one.
Danallica said:
Is marijuana legal in any other countries?
the reason that Americans feel entitled to legal marijuana is BECAUSE of the fact that it already is legal in such a large number of other countries. Amsterdam even has a lot of shops that are similar to Starbucks except that instead of selling all the different types of coffee, they sell all the different types of marijuana
I don't really have a problem with the current drug laws, provided it's done it private I don't really care what other people waste their lives doing, it only bothers me when they cause disruption in public places, I think a larger amount of fear in doing that with increased punishment would be a good idea, but that's about it.
Birkenau said:
I don't really have a problem with the current drug laws, provided it's done it private I don't really care what other people waste their lives doing, it only bothers me when they cause disruption in public places, I think a larger amount of fear in doing that with increased punishment would be a good idea, but that's about it.

I think most level-headed people would agree with that. I believe drugs should be used on private property, cafe's or at home and not in streets or parks.
Norsemaiden said:
Cannibis use (particularly skunk) by teenagers is proven to increase the chance of developing schizophrenia by about 3 times.
Alcohol in moderate amounts is good for the health, but because people often over-do it that makes it very harmful.
The trouble is that it seems wrong that there should have to be laws against all the stupid things people do. I'd agree that a culture of not using it should be encouraged instead.

(particularly skunk)?

i wonder how this conclusion was achieved, considering how many strains have the genetic disposition to generate a skunky smell.

also, dealers in general can be very inaccurate on their strains. either, the grower (or dealer) dosnt know what strain it is and names it appropriately (according to smell, maybe?), or one of the dealers (or grower) down the line purposefully misled the uniformed buyer to, increase its demand.

so i ask, how can this study create accurate statistics when the strain is so commonly mistaken?

judas69 said:
Well, I studied stimulants, depressants etc. at a University level (3rd year Psychology of Sensation / Perception). So, it's straight from the textbooks and supported by my prof who holds a PhD.

Bourassa M; Vaugeois P. Effects of marijuana use on divergent thinking. Creativity Research Journal 13(3/4): 411-416, 2001. (16 refs.)

This research sought to evaluate the effect of marijuana use on creativity as defined by the term divergent thinking. Another objective was to verify if there was a difference in the creativity of regular users (60 participants) and that of novice users of marijuana (60 participants) under 3 experimental conditions: without marijuana, with placebo, and with marijuana. The 4 divergent thinking factors (fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration) were measured by the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (Form A, Figural scale). The results showed that the use of marijuana had no positive effects on divergent thinking (creativity) in novice users and reduced it in regular users.

i hardly find it possible to simply define human creativity. how can someone explain abstract thought with a concrete language?

a theory? yes, proof? hardly.

"without marijuana, with placebo, and with marijuana" what is a placebo stone? im having trouble with this one.

By Design said:
what, acid?
Demiurge said:

ever try DMT?
ever try DMT?

Yes. I've tried many different hallucinogens, most at least twice. Some many more times.

I am somewhat surprised by the results of this poll. I post to another forum, which while having no set agenda, mostly attracts characters who I'd think would oppose drug use(stalinists, christian fundamentalists, paleoconservatives), but the results were the same as here.
I am against drugs of all sorts, except alchole and tobacco. I think they cause to much problems, plus dope is viewed as a gateway drug - i cant see it doing any good in our society, thats why im against it. Its not because i am against freedom of expression and all that stuff that you yanks love to go on about but, well, 'drugs are bad, mkay'
Have you read any of the preceding posts?

If you happily accept alcohol and tobacco as acceptable then nothing but your own prejudice is keeping your mind against the sale of recreational drugs to responsible people for private use.
Danallica said:
I am against drugs of all sorts, except alchole and tobacco. I think they cause to much problems, plus dope is viewed as a gateway drug - i cant see it doing any good in our society, thats why im against it. Its not because i am against freedom of expression and all that stuff that you yanks love to go on about but, well, 'drugs are bad, mkay'

Yes I'm hoping this was a joke otherwise it is the worst post so far in this thread.
Silver Incubus said:
Yes I'm hoping this was a joke otherwise it is the worst post so far in this thread.

I can understand his reasoning in that we've become a society dependant on drugs, be it pharmaceutical or otherwise. From his statement I think he is concerned, like many people are, that legally introducing unnecessary drugs into society can actually do more harm ..just as pulling those drugs (ie., alcohol, tobacco) which are already integrated into society, can.

The bottom line is, because you feel strongly about this and your own personal thoughts, does not mean it's right for you to poke fun at someone elses opposing view; one he is entitled to.
I think Silver Incubus was partially correct in what he said. The post was pretty one dimensional, and while I can see where danallica was coming from...he didn't elaborate a great deal.
Well, I guess my main point was .. calling someones post the "worst in the thread" is a little arrogant, especially since the person saying this hasn't really had a good record of posts himself. :)
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