ms. anthrope

back off, mofo...
Feb 12, 2002
s.f. bay area
Schecter Guitars will be coming out with a Jeff Loomis signature model guitar! It will be unveiled sometime in mid-summer of this year. More details coming soon.

Help me congratulate Jeff on the great news!!! :worship:
He deserves it - that is for sure!

Jim mentioned that a rep hooked him up with a new Ernie Ball bass before the San Diego show, so more good news for the guys all around!
ms. anthrope said:
Schecter Guitars will be coming out with a Jeff Loomis signature model guitar! It will be unveiled sometime in mid-summer of this year. More details coming soon.

Help me congratulate Jeff on the great news!!! :worship:

That is amazing !!!!!!!!!!!
Great news Jeff, and congratulations!!!
this is HUGE!!!! :kickass:
Fuckin sweet. Schecter make awesome guitars. It's only fitting that an awesome guitarist should be endorsed by them. Way to go, jeff (and Jim!)
Well, I know what my next guitar purchase will be.
Good for you Jeff, although it's about ten years later than what it should have been.

I hate reading these articles about him being the next up and coming, hot guitarist. Dudes been shredding for 15 friggin' years!!!
Those guitar mags are too busy covering trendy fucking shitty American nu-metal bands, to wake up and cover the good players like Jeff.

Oh well, better late than never.

Can't wait to talk to Jeff about some shreddin'.
Thats the best news ever!!! Congrats Jeff! way to earn it!
:hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:

yes i will have to eventually own one of those!