sounds rokkin'.

Cook one up for me.
Yeah, pretty sure it launched with the system. People bitched a lot about load times and the graphics not being incredible, but that's shallow shit for tards. The storyline is complex, there are surprises at every turn, the characters are fun and there is actually a world to explore. Two continents to travel to and plenty of action, items, spells and fun to be had. The capital of your home continent of Medeva, Lenele, is one of the most ridiculously huge cities I've ever seen in a game and it's just obvious that the design team took a lot of steps to cook up a storyline and a world to delve into that was believeable and fun to be in.
The sequel game was ok, but it was a little out there story-wise, the characters were a lot less interesting, as were the locations and once you hit the midway point of the game, you no longer have control over anywhere you go or what you're doing and it's fucking obnoxious. Very mediocre and unworthy title. The storyline and game system is pretty much completely disassociated from the original. Mediocre at best.