Controversial opinions on metal

Ok then, let's start a new round. Hellhammer, although being hugely influential, is tiring to listen to nowadays.

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sweden does NOT have many good death metal bands, Aeon and luciferion are the exception, most bands here suck.

Luciferion is among the best, but how the fuck can you put the generic blasting of Aeon above any of the bands that Malign mentioned? The only release from Finland that can rival The Red In The Sky is Nespithe. A lot of the other Finnish releases are similar to Soulside Journey in that the shear (shere?) novelty value in the weirdness of the first couple of listenings promises more than what is eventually delivered. Nespithe is one of the few albums which actually grows on you the more you get used to the outlandishness of its sound.
Luciferion is among the best, but how the fuck can you put the generic blasting of Aeon above any of the bands that Malign mentioned? The only release from Finland that can rival The Red In The Sky is Nespithe. A lot of the other Finnish releases are similar to Soulside Journey in that the shear (shere?) novelty value in the weirdness of the first couple of listenings promises more than what is eventually delivered. Nespithe is one of the few albums which actually grows on you the more you get used to the outlandishness of its sound.

i checked out 1 song by therion and the nedcro band, cheesy stuff, early at the gates is pretty good, i dont like dismember or entombed though.
You checked out 1 song by Therion? How can you then talk about their quality as a band, when they have had a different sound on every single album? Even when they were a death metal band they released three vastly different sounding albums in a row (Of Darkness, Beyond Sanctorum and Ho Drakon Ho Megas).
You checked out 1 song by Therion? How can you then talk about their quality as a band, when they have had a different sound on every single album? Even when they were a death metal band they released three vastly different sounding albums in a row (Of Darkness, Beyond Sanctorum and Ho Drakon Ho Megas).

i didnt know that, i thought the other songs would sound a like, ill check them out more.
How can someone go from death/thrash metal legend to a COMPLETE poser pussy?

notice who the drummer is...

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No. You've had something negative to say 5 times in this thread about cannibal corpse without provocation. You apparently mad.
Maybe now? He was a fine vocalist until after The Bleeding.

Want to talk about massively overrated? Demilich is massively overrated here. Nespithe is good, but the sheer amount of worship it gets on this board is too much. I cant even listen to that album from beginning to end.

Who even cares about Depravity? I think you meant to say Vomiturition.

I have to say that if I had to choose between the two, I almost always choose swedish dm to just listen to in general.

I just don't like Cannibal Corpse. I don't think Demilich is overrated, I believe they are rated just fine, because other then this board, not many people bring them up. Depravity's EP is great. Vomiturition is great too, but not at the level of said EP. I just prefer Finnish OSDM over Swedish OSDM, that's all. It seems like it is better compositionally, and it's also much darker and more "evil".
Listening to Goratory - Orgasm Induced Diarrhea right now, and I think this is some really excellent stuff. A mix of blasting trem-picked stuff and groovy chugging riffs, with some really excellent, fairly creative drumming. I don't like the vocals or the idiotic song titles and lyrics, but the music is grade-a headbanging stuff imo. I never see this get any respect, though. What I've heard of their other stuff is not quite as good, but

@0:57 - :kickass:
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Goratory is decent, and so is Human Rejection, but I can't listen to either for extended periods of time.
Someone mentioned Hellhammer earlier... I have to say I'd much rather listen to Dream Death.

I mentioned Hellhammer, and I agree with you, lol. I donnou. I respect Hellhammer for all they've done for the metal scene, but listening to them nowadays is just plain tiring.
Brutal/Slam DM can have some great music but the vocals really put me off, they are awful most of the time. Can't tolerate them for long. Imo harsh vocals should still be in the form of words, not just noises.
i didnt know that, i thought the other songs would sound a like, ill check them out more.

Start with the dark majestic adventure of Beyond Sanctorum:

And don't listen through it once, that doesn't put you in a position to judge shit, believe me. Listen through the album ten times.
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