Controversial opinions on metal

Brutal/Slam DM can have some great music but the vocals really put me off, they are awful most of the time. Can't tolerate them for long. Imo harsh vocals should still be in the form of words, not just noises.

Yes, seriously, I will enjoy brutal/slam for about a grand total of one minutes then it gets fucking old, nothing interesting happens, it's all the same. It doesn't keep my attention. To think people listen EXCLUSIVELY to this shit.
Yes, seriously, I will enjoy brutal/slam for about a grand total of one minutes then it gets fucking old, nothing interesting happens, it's all the same. It doesn't keep my attention. To think people listen EXCLUSIVELY to this shit.

I'm sure that theres no one that listens exclusively to BDM/Slam. There's just something about it though that keeps me coming back. The vocals are just like another instrument to me, and I enjoy them. It's all personal taste really.
Starkweather is a kinda of fucked up "metalcore" band, but in the old school sense of metalcore, where it has an extremely abrasive and heavy sound. Doesn't rely on breakdowns, no gay emo clean vocals, etc. Their a good band.
Like An Everflowing Steam is a great album, but other than that Dismember sucks. Left Hand Path is better.

If you could push your taste in music beyond "whatever is catchy" and realize not every song is meant to be "rocked out to". A whole new world would open up to you. Some songs need to be absorbed and contemplated on, don't just listen to something once and say "Oh they suck its boring".
Rest In Festering Slime... Karmablade, you Gay Fuck.
Like An Everflowing Steam is a great album, but other than that Dismember sucks. Left Hand Path is better.

almost everything Dismember has made is fucking awesome (including their Carnage album), probably the most consistent Swedish death metal band.... while Entombed on the other hand made only one good album....

and anyway, Like An Ever Flowing Stream and Indecent and Obscene > anything Entombed has ever done.
If you could push your taste in music beyond "whatever is catchy" and realize not every song is meant to be "rocked out to". A whole new world would open up to you. Some songs need to be absorbed and contemplated on, don't just listen to something once and say "Oh they suck its boring".

as i said before if a song doesnt have catchy, quality emotional aggressive songwriting then its not good, example of quality:

early sepultura, morbid angel, nile, behemoth, old metallica, old slayer etc
There is plenty of fantastic metal which is not catchy at all, it is but one aspect of good songwriting. Quality for me is a careful balance which combines memorable riffs with variation and complexity so it remains interesting in the long term. Overly 'catchy' stuff can become dull after a while, although this is not always the case. The point is saying a song has to have 'catchy, emotionally aggressive songwriting' to be good is completely false and shows a lack of appreciation for the more subtle aspects of metal and music in general.
The Nile River can eat me. fuck it

Send Nile down the nile in a boat with a big hole in the bottom, they can sink and drown!. fuck mummies
There is plenty of fantastic metal which is not catchy at all, it is but one aspect of good songwriting. Quality for me is a careful balance which combines memorable riffs with variation and complexity so it remains interesting in the long term. Overly 'catchy' stuff can become dull after a while, although this is not always the case. The point is saying a song has to have 'catchy, emotionally aggressive songwriting' to be good is completely false and shows a lack of appreciation for the more subtle aspects of metal and music in general.
you just said its not catchy but has memorable riffs? memorable riffs is what i call catchy because it CATCHES,ive told you examples of quality catchy bands as early slayer, sepultura, metallica and they all are very succesful and the reason they are is because of that.
Nothing Nile did can be considered quality
you dont know what quality means.
And Behemoth is pushing it.
come on, behemoth has some awesome stuff, zos kia cultus for example, very good album.

Nile and Behemoth suck.

and you are supposed to like death metal...shame on you