Controversial opinions on metal

Ok: Anvil is completely overrated and no one would give a shit about them if it wasn't for that lame documentary. One of the worst long-lasting traditional metal bands, along with Raven.
lol anvil were huge in the underground long long long long before that documentary. in fact, the doc primarily came about because of their huge following, especially among well known metal musicians. stop talking out of your ass.

agree they weren't that great though.
I mean now. Right now you can go to any Anvil-related YouTube topic or forum thread and there will be a legion of people that will say "omfg, these guise invented thrash!!!1 most underrated band evah!!"
How does a bunch of stupid fucking idiots praising them as inventors of thrash and best band ever invalidate their contribution to metal?
Anvil contributed something to metal? How? Serious question. I know next to nothing about this band and didn't start hearing them get praise until recently. Tell me why I should care about them.
What was their contribution to metal outside from a slew of lame, unambitious albums that take as much from AC/DC as they do Priest/Sabbath/etc? When I hear people praise them, it's because they were evidently inspiring to the early thrashers. Scott Ian met Clemente doing the butter-bust jerky, after all.
The fucked and funny thing is,all the mainstream dabblers are thinking they're(Anvil) some sort of long lost prodigies,they could've made this doco about any number of bands.
No, if they made it for a band actually deserving (say, Watchtower), no one would have cared and the documentary would have been a financial failure. It takes a band with a METAL name, a shitton of forgettable albums, songs dedicated to ridiculous sexual innuendo, and a vocalist named Lips to sell anything.
I liked some of the songs from the last album, but I listened to some of their old stuff and it honestly wasn't particularly good.
No, if they made it for a band actually deserving (say, Watchtower), no one would have cared and the documentary would have been a financial failure. It takes a band with a METAL name, a shitton of forgettable albums, songs dedicated to ridiculous sexual innuendo, and a vocalist named Lips to sell anything.

And that's why it's an entertaining doco; it's basically Spinal Tap for real. I thoroughly enjoyed it. The fact that the band are deluded enough to think that they are/were hugely relevant is hilarious. If you're getting wound up about youtube comments then you need to have a break from the internet for a while.
Ok: Anvil is completely overrated and no one would give a shit about them if it wasn't for that lame documentary. One of the worst long-lasting traditional metal bands, along with Raven.

You took the words right out of my mouth. Way too much credit for making shitty half assed records time and time again.
Anvil's ok, but not near the top echelon of power/heavy/traditional metal, but you have to admit that documentary was highly entertaining. Hell, my father who absolutely detests heavy metal loved it.
I don't see what makes Slayer so great. Someone help me out?

Here you go.

You don't even like South of Heaven?

Wait, don't answer that. I don't want to give myself another concussion due to the sheer force of the resulting facepalm.
South of Heaven goes downhill from the beginning into extreme mediocrity until the end. Hardly the album to imply "You gotta at least like this one a little!"

It's uninspired repetitive thrash whose lyrics have no redeeming value whatsoever. Bland as hell and the singer is terribad.

All of their albums contain at least a bit of filler (I wouldn't call any of them great) and they've only had musical talent in the drumming section, but you can't call one of the original extreme metal pioneers uninspired.