Controversial opinions on metal

I made a topic like a year ago saying that Seasons is better than RIB and most people disagreed. Not sure why, considering it's true. It's more original in its riffs, songwriting etc. But overall in the wider picture, Slayer is indeed highly over rated. They get their asses kissed because of their legacy and not their music, which is pretty boring for the most part.
Seasons used to be my favorite for the aforementioned originality and variety, but the last couple times I listened to it the album sounded kind of non-aggressive and boring. That's actually why I can't get fully into Slayer. It used to be that AJFA or KIMB were as far into extreme metal as I would venture, and Slayer sounded like unlistenable noise, but once I got used to heavier forms of metal, they suddenly became weak and sterile to my ears.
Seasons is obviously when Slayer started losing it. And the title track is awful. That may as well be a disco song.
Hell Awaits and Show No Mercy are both fantastic, as is Haunting the Chapel. The next three are solid, too, but not liking them is certainly understandable.
Their first two albums are deserving of the beating Beevis & Butthead gave them, but Rock You to Hell definitely is. Extremely fun metal, and Steve Grimmett has a godly voice.

all im saying is that laugh from all hell let loose is fucking awesome.

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