Controversial opinions on metal

grim reaper were addicting a few weeks then I saw some music videos and thought that they were gay and now I don't listen to them

I'd berate you for calling Grim Reaper had I not ruined many a band via watching their music videos myself. Metal music videos always suck. That is a fact of life.
I'd berate you for calling Grim Reaper had I not ruined many a band via watching their music videos myself. Metal music videos always suck. That is a fact of life.

metal vids are supposed to be over exaggerated and cheesy. just look at immortal lmfao. would u judge them based on their videos?!?!
Venom came out at a time when a lot of subgenres weren't crystallized yet, and they were an inspiration for a couple different tendencies within metal I guess. I think one can justifiably refer to them in a couple different ways. This is largely a linguistic game that depends on what conventions you want to adopt. That's why these questions about 1st wave black metal are so vexed. It's not like there's some truth of the matter out there in the ether waiting to be discovered or something.
^ Members of Venom themselves have stated on many occasions that they considered themselves thrash metal, they have also stated that when they
'coined the term' Black Metal it was simply to address an attitude that circumferences their band, not necessarily their sound. But yes, they are largely credited in the first wave of black metal.

-Listening to Deicide's lyrics has invoked more rage towards the band from me than any 'core' or nu-metal band i've ever listened to.
-I like a few Sevendust and Godsmack songs
-Though I bare a few 'elitist' traits myself, metal elitism amuses the hell out of me with the arrogance and general lack of regard for logic that surrounds it.
-Slayer is a bigger sell out than Metallica.
-Burzum is garbage.
-There has been no point to Mayhem existing for the last 15 years.
-The only Marduk worth listening to is La Dande Danse Macabre and beyond.
-Dismember was greater than Entombed.
I love Deicide's lyrics on the first two albums. You couldn't possibly get more creative/retarded with the English language than Glen Benton (well ok, maybe if you're Sarcofago or Immortal).

Burzum is not garbage. Actually, Varg has certainly put out some not so good stuff, but HLTO by itself puts him in the metal pantheon for eternity.
I should have specified an era of Deicide, but the level of silly teenage angst poured into their 'blasphemy', their inability to structure lyrics, throwing in 'thy' within the same song, even stanza as 'your' and 'my', inconsistency in thought patterns, being plain nonsensical, and constantly contradicting themselves in an effort to sound bad ass are just some of the things that make them sound like nothing more than tweens angry at their parents for making them go to church.
o rly? .... link?

That would require far too much digging around in decade old interviews for me to bother with. That said, I merely mentioned that because your reference to people saying they were thrash. They have also referred to themselves as speed metal many times, and of course black metal. The fact of the matter is, they were playing so many different types of metal combined they themselves seemed unsure of it.

That said, they also dislike the fact that the bands from the second wave of Black Metal use the genre tag. This is one reason why arguing sub-genres is plain silly. Yet its what has made up Venoms existence in the metal community for the past decade.
-Listening to Deicide's lyrics has invoked more rage towards the band from me than any 'core' or nu-metal band i've ever listened to.
-Slayer is a bigger sell out than Metallica.
-Burzum is garbage.

The noise you just heard was the sonicboom resulting from the force of my palm to my forehead.

A) Deicide's lyrics are bad but to rage at lyrics is pretty dumb.
B) Looool! At least Slayer didn't release Load/Reload.
C) Burzum > you tbh :tickled:
-Metal fans are notorious for considering themselves educated about the genre from reading others opinions on the internet.
Venom is NWOBHM. I know why people call them first wave of black metal, but I really dislike that term in general.

Most death metal lyrics are bad to some degree... complaining about them... is missing the point, I think.
Venom is NWOBHM. I know why people call them first wave of black metal, but I really dislike that term in general.

So is Def Leppard. Congratulations, you just managed to answer the genre question with the only term more vague than 1st wave black metal.
what sub-genre of metal would you guys consider Venom, im having a stupid argument with some people on another board that think Venom is actually thrash, and i find that ridiculous ... what do you guys think?

Whats ridiculous about that? They play thrash music...

The only thing they have in common with black metal is Satanism. But their sound isnt anything like black metal..