Controversial opinions on metal

I think his point is that even really generic and low-tier death metal is better than the best 'slam' (which is a sub-genre I could not describe in the slightest due to lack of knowledge on what it actually is).
I said nothing about slam itself. I was trying to make sense of his comparison.

EDIT: Although tbh I guess I should have said "what he was implying" instead of "his point".
Slam death and knuckle dragging death metal are two sides of the same coin, imo. You could have threw Deicide, Cannibal Corpse, or Obituary in place of Jungle Rot, and the comparison would still have worked. BTW, I like all 4 of those bands, and I also like Katalepsy and Guttural Secrete.
I can hardly even listen to slam without physically laughing out loud. It's literally what soccer moms conjure in their heads when they think about 'that evil devil music'.
lol i mean its not like they get sad then sing... then get mad and growl the rest of the song until they get sad again. that's real art.

God I hate opeth fans. :(
Slam is never a musical masterpiece but entertaining for a little while when you're in the mood for it. I think Children of Bodom, Opeth and Agalloch are terrible uninspired bands.
Destruction is the best German thrash metal band.

I'll upcontroversial you: Eternal Devastation is better than a hypothetical best-of containing the seven best songs of the entire discographies of Sodom and Kreator combined. Easily, easily, easily, the greatest German thrash band. Sifringer was a master of riffcraft, Schmier had one of the most unique voices in the genre, and once Wilkens joined they became one of the early tech-thrash greats. 90% of everything after Cracked Brain is garbage, but their 84-90 period negates any future failures.
I'm not sure I'd take Eternal Devastation over "Nuclear Winter", "Riot Of Violence", etc., but it's close for sure, and "Curse The Gods"/"Life Without Sense" are easily two of my favorite Destruction songs.
Agent Orange is one of the worst "classic" thrash albums. It has two kinds of riffs: simple three-note tremolo picked ones already used to excess on Reign in Blood, and stolen ones. Persecution Mania was already derivative of the extremity-pushing trinity of 1986, but at least it was rough and aggressive. Agent Orange shows a band with meager musical skills trying to sound like a flashy Bay Area band and failing miserably on both counts. Some of their mid 90's stuff is less listenable, but even those are still "better" than that shitfest.