Controversial opinions on metal

really?? Are you forgetting that Destruction was the band that released The Least Successful Human Cannonball ... and what about most of their garbage from the last ten years?

Sodom have a very solid discography, and as far as im concerned, have always been making better albums than Destruction, wether it be the 80's, 90's or for the past 10 years, all the way up to their albums this year .... everything outside Destruction's first two ranges from okay to just plain bad.

Only Sodom albums that aren't up to par with the rest of their work are Get What You Deserve and Masquerade in Blood.

Irrelevant. Destruction released four excellent full lengths and one equally great EP consecutively. Sodom didn't last nearly as long as anything worth listening to, although M-16 is pretty good for what it is as well. Sodom is consistent in the sense that they never did anything that would make fans break out in hives over untr00ness, but they are extremely uninteresting and if it wasn't for their "first-wave black metal" output (which lasted for a whole one-and-a-half releases) no one would think of them as particularly extreme or important.

The only truly exceptional material Dio has ever been involved in was Rainbow, and more specifically Rising, with bits and pieces from the other two Rainbow albums. Dehumanizer is the best album he did with Black Sabbath. And regardless of the surprisingly minimal amount of essential material he was involved in, he was still easily one of the greatest voices in the history of heavy music and very frequently made average material great by himself.

Also, don't waste your time debating shit with HamburgerBoy.

I agree with this post.
if it wasn't for their "first-wave black metal" output (which lasted for a whole one-and-a-half releases) no one would think of them as particularly extreme or important.

I agree with this post.

You mean you wouldn't think of them as extreme or important. I don't think you can speak for everyone. I rate Sodom and Destruction on par pretty much.
You mean you wouldn't think of them as extreme or important. I don't think you can speak for everyone. I rate Sodom and Destruction on par pretty much.

I didn't say that. I said that post-Obsessed By Cruelty they stopped contributing to furthering the extremity of metal. What does Persecution Mania do that Reign in Blood, Darkness Descends, or Pleasure to Kill didn't a year earlier? I "rate" Destruction higher on the basis of their ability to write more diverse and original songs. They're like the Megadeth of the major German thrash bands. Sodom, post 1986, is more like the Anthrax.
What does Persecution Mania do that Reign in Blood, Darkness Descends, or Pleasure to Kill didn't a year earlier?

Those are some fucking horrible comparisons, those three albums are non-stop thrashing at full speed, while Persecution Mania has more than a couple mid-paced songs and sounds much closer to Terrible Certainty rather than PtK.And how the fuck does it even sound like Reign in Blood or Darkness Descends? I actually find it mindboggling that you would say Persecution Mania is similar to Darkness Descends.

... anyway, Persecution Mania, along with Pleasure to Kill and Terrible Certainty are the three best thrash albums to come out of Germany IMO.

They're like the Megadeth of the major German thrash bands. Sodom, post 1986, is more like the Anthrax.

I'm surprised that I'm only at 3. Did you just start this count recently?

Those are some fucking horrible comparisons, those three albums are non-stop thrashing at full speed, while Persecution Mania has more than a couple mid-paced songs and sounds much closer to Terrible Certainty rather than PtK.And how the fuck does it even sound like Reign in Blood or Darkness Descends? I actually find it mindboggling that you would say Persecution Mania is similar to Darkness Descends.

... anyway, Persecution Mania, along with Pleasure to Kill and Terrible Certainty are the three best thrash albums to come out of Germany IMO.

Nuclear Winter, AFAIK the most heralded song off the album, takes an eight second portion of Necrophobic and stretches it beyond a minute. There is nothing novel about it. Darkness Descends has its moments of mid-tempo as well (Black Celebrations), but that isn't my point. The three were more or less as extreme as thrash was at the time, unless one counts stuff like early Poison or Sarcofago. The album wouldn't have to sound like the three to be relevant to my argument, which is that Sodom and Kreator stopped being worthwhile once they were inevitably usurped by the death and black metal bands that took what they did and drove it further. Destruction had more than bestial goatfucking Satan worshipping speed and violence to their sound, and since they never really competed in such an effort, there was no lost investment once most of Germany tried sounding more American.
The only truly exceptional material Dio has ever been involved in was Rainbow, and more specifically Rising, with bits and pieces from the other two Rainbow albums. Dehumanizer is the best album he did with Black Sabbath. And regardless of the surprisingly minimal amount of essential material he was involved in, he was still easily one of the greatest voices in the history of heavy music and very frequently made average material great by himself.

Also, don't waste your time debating shit with HamburgerBoy.
I agree with the part about Rainbow Rising. Probably my third favorite metal album from the 70s, dat fucking keyboard solo at the beginning of the album.
So I've come to this thread pretty late but I have some input.

Slipknot's early stuff (before Iowa) was pretty fuckin aggressive and heavy sounding.

Also maybe it's just because I grew up with them, but I have a nostalgic love for Limp Bizkit.

Skindred is some groovy ass music and I can dig it all day.

New TBDM and new JFAC sound EXACTLY alike and it gets kinda boring. I really only listen to Opeth and pre-Owens Iced Earth nowadays.

No matter what, Death will always be my all-time favorite metal band. Chuck is a fuckin genius and his work will never be outdone.

Meshuggah is not all that great.
Also maybe it's just because I grew up with them, but I have a nostalgic love for Limp Bizkit.

Wrong. I have a transcript of your entire childhood and never once did you listen to Limp Bizkit, and therefore it is impossible for you to have a nostalgic love for them.
So I've come to this thread pretty late but I have some input.

Slipknot's early stuff (before Iowa) was pretty fuckin aggressive and heavy sounding.

Also maybe it's just because I grew up with them, but I have a nostalgic love for Limp Bizkit.

Skindred is some groovy ass music and I can dig it all day.

New TBDM and new JFAC sound EXACTLY alike and it gets kinda boring. I really only listen to Opeth and pre-Owens Iced Earth nowadays.

No matter what, Death will always be my all-time favorite metal band. Chuck is a fuckin genius and his work will never be outdone.

Meshuggah is not all that great.

Iowa heavier than the self-titled, imo.
Fuck Limp Bizkit.
Skindread got boring pretty quick.
Death is good, but not my favorite.
Chaosphere is badass. Other than that, meh.

Also, you only mentioned 3 1/2 metal bands in your post.
Wrong. I have a transcript of your entire childhood and never once did you listen to Limp Bizkit, and therefore it is impossible for you to have a nostalgic love for them.
















TheNightsBane proved nothing wrong. He ignored my entire point and put words in my mouth where I suggested that anything Destruction did post-Cracked Brain was worthwhile. And I've used that word exactly twice on this forum, if the board's search function can be trusted.
Wrong. I have a transcript of your entire childhood and never once did you listen to Limp Bizkit, and therefore it is impossible for you to have a nostalgic love for them.

How this makes any sense I have no idea, if you were being sarcastic I get it but otherwise you don't even know me so what you said has no say on if I consider LB nostalgic or not.
Iowa heavier than the self-titled, imo.
Fuck Limp Bizkit.
Skindread got boring pretty quick.
Death is good, but not my favorite.
Chaosphere is badass. Other than that, meh.

Also, you only mentioned 3 1/2 metal bands in your post.

TBDM = The Black Dahlia Murder JFAC = Job for a Cowboy, if that's what is confusing you. How Opeth or Iced Earth got in there I have no idea lol it just popped up.
TheNightsBane proved nothing wrong. He ignored my entire point and put words in my mouth where I suggested that anything Destruction did post-Cracked Brain was worthwhile. And I've used that word exactly twice on this forum, if the board's search function can be trusted.
