Controversial opinions on metal

Cannibal Corpse is more overrated.

They're also very famous but I get the feeling that they are pretty disliked already. It feels like people are often mocking down on CC... And I do like a couple of albums they've made, for an example Tomb of the mutilated while I find Deicide just plain boring all the time.

True. Even elitist pricks or picky faggots have so many bands to listen to.

EDIT: BTW, mooDoom, early Burzum and early Morbid Angel are great choices!
I'm sure this is somewhat controversial, amongst fans at least. While listening to Gorgoroth the other day I was reminded that Twilight of the Idols is their best album. I thought so when it first came out and I still think so today.
It's applicable to black metal, but he needs to remove a significant figure or two to apply it to the other two (at which point it would be applicable for all sub-genres of metal).
No it's not applicable to black metal, don't be a slut. The count just shot up by 2 this time, we are now at: 5 facepalms.
Yes it is, unless one includes first-wave stuff. Mayhem is awesome, but I gain little pleasure from others.
To say 99.9% of anything sucks is retarded, but especially so with BM. If you can't find bands to enjoy, you're not looking hard enough.
Maybe. I like some of the proggier/experimental black metal stuffs, although generally I like them for the parts of songs that aren't black metal (see: Arcturus and Ved Buens Ende). Some of the 90's bands that still retain a kind of first-wave-y traditional or doom metal influence I enjoy on a song-to-song basis as well. I still feel confident that 99.99% of everything derived from Burzum and Beherit is worthless, however.
It's applicable to black metal, but he needs to remove a significant figure or two to apply it to the other two

No. It's applicable only to the other two.

I'm sure this is somewhat controversial, amongst fans at least. While listening to Gorgoroth the other day I was reminded that Twilight of the Idols is their best album. I thought so when it first came out and I still think so today.

:kickass: I adore this album. The vocals, guitar tone and production were perfect.