Controversial opinions on metal

I've actually enjoyed the few Borknagar songs I've heard iirc.

People don't actually consider Mayhem fandom to be indicative of ANUS-worshiping, do they? I think crimsonfloyd is just making a general attack towards you, not that Mayhem is particularly related to that group of people. If he is, lol.
Mastodon pointless? Ill need you to elaborate there as I am lost.

Gives me nothing. NOTHING!
The only thing is this:
And the only thing about that is the wonderful puppet show.
Don't think they could do melody if they tried.
Like teen kids doing metal end up growling and snarling because they can't sing for shit or are to scared too.
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I agree but that isn't exactly saying very much considering Mayhem's extremely inconsistent discography.

I agree. Mayhem fit the archetype of a certain kind of metal band that is able to organize a vast number of talented people who pass through its sphere, gradually refining and improving what originally was mediocre. Such bands generally have only one great album in them.
By that logic, I could just say that you seem to have to double check with pitchfork. Did it ever occur to you that one could like Mayhem without having any affiliations whatsoever? As far as I'm concerned, you're being pretty trollish yourself here.

:tickled: I doubt the people at Pitchfork even know who Velvet Cacoon is. And yeah, Pitchfork is just a hot house for Mutiilation, Graveland and Gontyna Kry fandom :loco: Child, just stop.

I have listened to all sorts of black metal, all sorts of death metal, etc. I just don't keep unessential music in my library as a 160 GB iPod has space limitations. Would you believe that I have indeed listened to Velvet Cacoon, Forest Of Stars, etc - MULTIPLE TIMES, even? Give me a fucking break.


You're actually fitting more with the standard definition of elitest prick today than anyone else here. At least I'm not "above" popular things.

Where did you get the idea that I was above popular things? I mean you obviously read the list on which I had Velvet Cacoon and it also had black metal staples like Bathory, Burzum, Immortal, Darkthrone and Emperor. Pretty popular bands by black metal standards.

I've actually enjoyed the few Borknagar songs I've heard iirc.

People don't actually consider Mayhem fandom to be indicative of ANUS-worshiping, do they? I think crimsonfloyd is just making a general attack towards you, not that Mayhem is particularly related to that group of people. If he is, lol.

FWIW, ANUS does totally deepthroat DMDS, but no I wasn't associating Mayham fans with that site. My main point was that I'm skeptical of people whose taste correlate perfectly to the "tr00 black metal" status quo. Perhaps it's just chance, but it comes off as sheepish, especially if they freak out when someone puts some other album alongside the "cannon" or doesn't think highly of one of the tr00 albums. And I just can't respect it if that person can't even articulate their point of view in an intelligent manner while still acting like an elitist prick.
:tickled: I doubt the people at Pitchfork even know who Velvet Cacoon is. And yeah, Pitchfork is just a hot house for Mutiilation, Graveland and Gontyna Kry fandom :loco: Child, just stop.


Where did you get the idea that I was above popular things? I mean you obviously read the list on which I had Velvet Cacoon and it also had black metal staples like Bathory, Burzum, Immortal, Darkthrone and Emperor. Pretty popular bands by black metal standards.

FWIW, ANUS does totally deepthroat DMDS, but no I wasn't associating Mayham fans with that site. My main point was that I'm skeptical of people whose taste correlate perfectly to the "tr00 black metal" status quo. Perhaps it's just chance, but it comes off as sheepish, especially if they freak out when someone puts some other album alongside the "cannon" or doesn't think highly of one of the tr00 albums. And I just can't respect it if that person can't even articulate their point of view in an intelligent manner while still acting like an elitist prick.

Part I: Yes, and ANUS is just a hot house for all the untrve shit I like. Hypocrite.

Part II: ?

Part III: Fair enough, prick.

Part IV: If you think my tastes correlate perfectly to this status quo you speak of, you have no fucking idea what my tastes are. Also, considering you are easily the biggest elitest prick here, you can't have much self respect, huh? Hypocrite.

Fuck off, some of us still want to enjoy the music without your kind fucking things up.
Part I: Yes, and ANUS is just a hot house for all the untrve shit I like. Hypocrite.

Part II: ?

Part III: Fair enough, prick.

Part IV: If you think my tastes correlate perfectly to this status quo you speak of, you have no fucking idea what my tastes are. Also, considering you are easily the biggest elitest prick here, you can't have much self respect, huh? Hypocrite.

Fuck off, some of us still want to enjoy the music without your kind fucking things up.

Cool, if you think there are some lesser known/unpraised black metal records that are on par with the "acceptable choices" (using you're own slavish phrase there) then let's hear them! This is the Controversial Opinions on Metal Thread after all! Perhaps you even know of some stuff I've never heard or overlooked. I'm always down to hear something new.

And you're sure getting sensitive. This thread is basically for stating/debating controversial opinions on metal (as the title suggests). You sure came out of the gate strong with some heavy-handed opinions, but you've seemed to crumble like a cookie in milk when I challenged your opinions, which you state as if they were some sort of scientifically verifiable fact. If I'm bothering you then I suggest either stepping up your game or ignoring me. But please don't cry about it like a 5 year old. It's just shameful.
Perhaps it's just chance, but it comes off as sheepish, especially if they freak out when someone puts some other album alongside the "cannon" or doesn't think highly of one of the tr00 albums.

Why would you put an album next to a cannon? That seems like a pretty stupid place to put a thing like that. Unless you plan on loading it into the cannon to fire at the enemy, but obviously that would be a pretty shit album.
People don't actually consider Mayhem fandom to be indicative of ANUS-worshiping, do they?

Any "quality > sociability" thinking that isn't Pitchfork-style hipsterism is automatically assumed to originate with the ANUS.

It seems widely feared, which is odd since it's just a furry little hole that loves sodomy.
What is this work of art trying to express? and then asking: How well as this work of art expressed what it aimed to express? Judged by that standard Genevieve is a masterwork, because it expresses something that is extremely difficult to express.

In this we find a separation of concerns, addressing the problem domain, solution domain, and implementation domain of the "Listening to a god damn black metal album" issue.

The problem domain

What artist shall we listen to?

What album in particular by this artist is most ideal?

What style does this artist play?

The solution domain

Once listening to the album, will we feel good?

Do we like this album?

If we do like said album, are we faggots?

Does it matter if we are faggots?

Does this album amplify the satisfaction of blowing another dude?

The implementation domain

How should we feel after listening to this album?

What mediums can this album be enjoyed on?

If I can hear it on mp3, should I be outside while doing so?

Will I need to light a candle to set the proper mood?

If not, can I "jerk it" while listening in the dark?

Function of the essential model:

What does the album aim to express? What are the requirements for this expression?

Function of the implementation model

How well is this work of art expressed? How will I know whether I am a faggot?
You fuckers on the last two pages are fucking morons. Darkthrone rules, Mayhem kicks ass, and Borknagar is a shitty band; it's music for chuds.
i like some borknagar. the first two and quintessence are some good stuff.

only live in liepzig is real

graveland is better than all those norwegians, though enslaved is definitely right there.

and satyricon is and has always been irrelevant