Controversial opinions on metal

Check it out. A lot of people write it off for factors extraneous to the music itself. Also most people who don't like the record probably listened to it one time 10 years ago while already coming in with preconceived notions.

Musically it's a very unique album. It's very naturalistic sounding record, with melodies that recall nonorganic natural vibrational patterns (i.e. tides, waves, wind). While many artists capture these sounds, they're almost always flavored with distinctly human emotions and sentimentality (the classic example is Beethoven's 6th, but a black metal example would be Drudkh's Autumn Aurora). Save a few moments of the track "Flora and Fauna" Genevieve is totally cold blooded. There's a sense of catharsis, perhaps even a predatory quality to some of the riffs, but no sentimentality, no anger, no sadness, no joy... none of those ordinary human emotions that color 99% of music, black metal or otherwise. It's about as close as you can get to abstracting the human dimension for music while still maintaining melody.

So when people say it's "just nice ambient" they obviously missed the point of the record. It's like criticizing Filosofem for being repetitive or Strength and Anger for being too minimal and raw. Perhaps that's not some people's cup of tea, but I usually try and judge art by first asking: What is this work of art trying to express? and then asking: How well as this work of art expressed what it aimed to express? Judged by that standard Genevieve is a masterwork, because it expresses something that is extremely difficult to express.

Listened to it. I liked it quite a bit actually. Its atmospheric as fuck which is what I'm generally looking for in black metal. On first listen I wouldn't say it's as fantastic as you make it out to be in this post, but it's definitely not garbage. I didn't think, anyway.
Listened to it. I liked it quite a bit actually. Its atmospheric as fuck which is what I'm generally looking for in black metal. On first listen I wouldn't say it's as fantastic as you make it out to be in this post, but it's definitely not garbage. I didn't think, anyway.

Nice, glad you liked it. I'd definitely say give it some more listens. Like most atmospheric music it grows on you with repeat listens.
False dilemma.

Appeal to popularity.

Red herring.

Now shut up son and go back to your room.


You do realize we're expressing opinions on an internet metal forum, and that every one of your posts is equally covered in the same fallacies, I hope? What's your deal anyway, broseph?
I still dont get the hype of Mayhem at all.

Maybe I need to give DMDS another spin soon, but it honestly it hasnt clicked with me at all out of the several times Ive tried...

You do realize we're expressing opinions on an internet metal forum, and that every one of your posts is equally covered in the same fallacies, I hope? What's your deal anyway, broseph?

You're the one who brought up logical fallacies in the first place. If you think they're par for the course on a metal forum, why did you bring them up at all? Are you a sophist or a dunce?
Mayhem destroys every other black metal band in existence. They managed to reinvent themselves with basically every release (haven't heard Wolf's Lair Abyss yet so no comment there) all the while keeping a high standard of quality control and without hopping on any other trend (afaik at least) and without succumbing to significant genre-defilement (at least on Grand Declaration of War, the metal and non-metal elements are kept clearly separate), and that's in spite of all the ridiculous drama/image issues of their early classics. Most importantly, they have real riffs.
Immortal > Mayhem

Easily. Mayhem can only dream of making something as good as Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism and they never even entered the same galaxy as Pure Holocaust.

As far as 90s black metal goes, I really don't think anything can touch what Emperor did. In the Nightside Eclipse AND Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk? Sign my ass up all day long.

Early Borknagar is up there too.

I wouldn't go so far as to say nothing can touch it, but Anthems and Nightside are top tier. I think Prometheus is severely underrated as well.

I do like early Borknagar a lot as well, though I wouldn't put them in that top tier.
Easily. Mayhem can only dream of making something as good as Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism and they never even entered the same galaxy as Pure Holocaust.

I wouldn't go so far as to say nothing can touch it, but Anthems and Nightside are top tier. I think Prometheus is severely underrated as well.

I do like early Borknagar a lot as well, though I wouldn't put them in that top tier.

Yeah, "nothing can touch it" may be a bit of a stretch, but I still can't think of any 90s black metal I think is better than Emperor.

I'd keep Borknagar in that tier. The Olden Domain is tops.
Hate Meshuggah - pretentious
Don't like mastodon - pointless

Meshuggah is pretty overrated in general, they do make music worth listening to if you're into that kind of stuff, and definitely do it the best out of all the "djent" scene. I personally don't find any appeal in their music but I can see why people are into it.

Mastodon pointless? Ill need you to elaborate there as I am lost.