Controversial opinions on metal

I remember you saying you didn't care for them live after you saw them. What was so bad about it? I'm curious because I'm going to see them in March.

The frontman does the live band equivalent of overacting. The guitarists seem more into watching the audience than they are into playing their music. The combination makes for a very alienating experience, and not like an Occult BM show where you feel like you're going to shit your pants. It's more like being the chaperone for a birthday party at Chuck-E-Cheese.

Having seen wall-of-sound atmospheric rock bands like Boris, Melt Banana, Sigur Ros and My Bloody Valentine, I was underwhelmed by the lack of permeation/saturation in deafheaven's live sound. It did not share the impact of my first listen to "Dream House".
Disliking DMDS = disliking black metal. Which is ok. Doesn't make your opinion very valuable to black metal listeners, but whatever.

All these kids on my facebook will ask me if I like Mayhem and when I say NO their response every single time has been "so you don't like black metal?"
Name a black metal band that outdid DMDS. There are a couple "acceptable" answers, but I'm likely to just end up laughing.
That too, Burzum is almost as shit but Mayhem made worse music and is considered more "kvlt" according to each fanbase.

I don't know about kvlt, but I do know that Burzum t-shirts are the most common black metal t-shirts on campus, and that only one of the two albums are praised for their incredible minimalist krautrock-influenced classical-inspired compositions.

(Although tbh I do think that Inn i slottet fra droemmen is a great song, even though the others are kind of shit)
Disliking DMDS = disliking black metal. Which is ok. Doesn't make your opinion very valuable to black metal listeners, but whatever.

Uh no. First of all, there 's no one album in any genre that you HAVE to like to be a fan of that genre. That's just a childish way of trying to dismiss anyone who thinks differently than you.

Second of all, DMDS is one of the most overrated black metal albums of all time. Goofy vocals and a campy atmosphere that doesn't fit the vicious riffs. Great drumming and solos though. That said, if I'm craving Mayhem its Live in Leipzig, hands down.
Given some of the other ridiculous things you're known for stating over and over, pardon me if I simply don't care.
Name a black metal band that outdid DMDS. There are a couple "acceptable" answers, but I'm likely to just end up laughing.

I'll name some albums that IMO make DMDS look like the pile of uninspiring shit that is.

Unholy Crusade/Nocturnal Beast.
Ritual/Jilemnický okultista.
Blood Ritual/Ceremony of Opposites
The Temple in the Underworld
Thy Mighty Contract/Non Serviam
His Majesty at the Swamp
Amenti - Ψαλμοί Αίματος και Αστρικά Οράματα
Hierophany of the Open Grave
Scarlet Evil Witching Black
Storm of the Light's Bane
Tolling 13 Knell
Et in Saecula Saeculorum
Memoria Vetusta I: Fathers of the Icy Age (My favorite black metal album)
III - Violence & Variations
Nefarious Dismal Orations
Dead as Dreams
Deleted Scenes from the Transition Hospital
The Codex Necro
All the Dread Magnificence of Perversity
The Olden Domain
Under The Sign of the Black Mark
Over Bjoergvin Graater Himmerik
On a different note I just had a pretty hilarious argument with a friend he first posts this on facebook

"Too much bands claiming to be technical death metal when they really aren't, this is technical death metal."

He uses DEFEATED SANITY as an example, who are a brutal death metal band clearly, yes they are technical but they obviously a brutal death metal band, Deeds of Flesh also came up and he says they are 100% technical death metal, and I try to convince him that Defeated Sanity anyway aren't an innovative or original band by any means, they really just copy Suffocation and Disgorge, who again are both brutal death metal.

Who do you guys think?
There are some very good albums on that list but I'm afraid none of them are better to the degree that you're implying they are. Perhaps if you provided reasonable and legitimate criticism against the actual music on DMDS then maybe your opinion would seem more credible.

Edit: You also failed to mention the most obvious one. The album that I actually think is better than DMDS and that is of course In the Nightside Eclipse.

inb4 too much reverb and keyboard wankery.
On a different note I just had a pretty hilarious argument with a friend he first posts this on facebook

"Too much bands claiming to be technical death metal when they really aren't, this is technical death metal."

He uses DEFEATED SANITY as an example, who are a brutal death metal band clearly, yes they are technical but they obviously a brutal death metal band, Deeds of Flesh also came up and he says they are 100% technical death metal, and I try to convince him that Defeated Sanity anyway aren't an innovative or original band by any means, they really just copy Suffocation and Disgorge, who again are both brutal death metal.

Who do you guys think?

Defeated sanity is one of the best brutal death metal bands period. And they're a fuckton better than Disgorge, who have most of their good material rendered annoying by the intolerable matti way.

To tell the truth I would rank Defeated Sanity as brutal death metal's #2 band ever and they seem to keep building and getting better unlike the band that released pinnacle of bedlam.
There are some very good albums on that list but I'm afraid none of them are better to the degree that you're implying they are. Perhaps if you provided reasonable and legitimate criticism against the actual music on DMDS then maybe your opinion would seem more credible.

Edit: You also failed to mention the most obvious one. The album that I actually think is better than DMDS and that is of course In the Nightside Eclipse.

inb4 too much reverb and keyboard wankery.

I personally love Emperor but I was thinking you guys would point out anything too symphonic/melodic, Disssection I saw as an exception.