Controversial opinions on metal

Now-a-days, there's really 2 definitions of "Pop" music, or at least I think so. There's the original definition, which means any music that's popular, and then there's the other type (the one you're talking about) where the music has a pop like sound. There can be Hipster Pop, but there really can't be Hipster Popular music. That would be an oxymoron.

And in regards to Synthpop, nothing beats fucking Depeche Mode. :rock:

Yeah I can agree to that distinction.

And Depeche Mode rules. OMD deserves an honorable mention though.

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I have no problem calling Cannibal Corpse one of the best death metal bands, especially when influential and best seem to be synonymous in metal.
How did Cannibal Corpse "shape" death metal? Also it wasn't referring to the bands themselves but the "best" metal albums of the 21st century, they actually chose Kill :lol:
How did Cannibal Corpse "shape" death metal? Also it wasn't referring to the bands themselves but the "best" metal albums of the 21st century, they actually chose Kill :lol:

Maybe because they were there when Death Metal had its "evolution" so they pretty much shaped it to what it have become today, I'm not saying that they've done it all alone, a lot of bands have their fingers in it but CC had a big influence and part for Death Metal.
How did Cannibal Corpse "shape" death metal? Also it wasn't referring to the bands themselves but the "best" metal albums of the 21st century, they actually chose Kill :lol:

Well from an image and lyrical standpoint, they were one of the first big bands to write songs about gore, torture, and stuff like that. They definitely helped get the ball rolling for Brutal Death Metal.
The only song I remember from that movie that made an impression on me is the one that plays during the sex scene.

Testament's Demonic was my intro to death metal tbh.
Cannibal Corpse is an influential death metal band whether trve metalheads like it or not. They've been consistently putting out good to decent albums for years now. Most of the DM bands from their generation are either broken up or just aren't relevant anymore. And KILL is an awesome album by the way.

And this is literally like the tenth time we've discussed the validity of CC. I swear to God this thread goes in circles with subject matter. I hardly even bother clicking on it anymore. Yeah I'm whining and bitching like a little girl I know but I'm just saying....
Cannibal Corpse is an influential death metal band whether trve metalheads like it or not. They've been consistently putting out good to decent albums for years now. Most of the DM bands from their generation are either broken up or just aren't relevant anymore. And KILL is an awesome album by the way.

And this is literally like the tenth time we've discussed the validity of CC. I swear to God this thread goes in circles with subject matter. I hardly even bother clicking on it anymore. Yeah I'm whining and bitching like a little girl I know but I'm just saying....

I agree with this. Eaten Back To Life is still one of my all time favorite album.
Ok so I've recently gotten into The Black Dahlia Murder. They seem to be pretty popular with a variety of people and seem to be hated by trve metal heads. I'm genuinely curious to as to what this forum thinks of them. There also seems to be some debate over what genre they are. Now I can actually understand some of the hate due to the vocals in later albums being screechy and high. The vocals don't bother me but I can understand if someone else did though.

Ok so opinions of The Black Dahlia Murder? I think Unhallowed seriously fucking rips.
I think that's bullshit really. They're pure Slaughter of the Soul-esque melodeath.

Probably isn't controversial here but a certain group of posters bombarding us with post metal as of late makes me hate it even more than I did. I've listened to a lot of it throughout the years and I can't remember anything about it except it all does the same shit. Play the same sludgy sounding metal part for a while then go off on some ambient/post rock/experimental/idontfuckingcare tangent for 3-10 minutes, then back to the only metal part they know how to play and the vocals are usually a monotonous extreme metal vocal that I've never thought fit the music that well. The musically equivalent of watching my dick and hoping it will grow. It just isn't gonna.
I think that's bullshit really. They're pure Slaughter of the Soul-esque melodeath.

Probably isn't controversial here but a certain group of posters bombarding us with post metal as of late makes me hate it even more than I did. I've listened to a lot of it throughout the years and I can't remember anything about it except it all does the same shit. Play the same sludgy sounding metal part for a while then go off on some ambient/post rock/experimental/idontfuckingcare tangent for 3-10 minutes, then back to the only metal part they know how to play and the vocals are usually a monotonous extreme metal vocal that I've never thought fit the music that well. The musically equivalent of watching my dick and hoping it will grow. It just isn't gonna.

:lol: and I hate Slaughter of the Soul so yeah...