Controversial opinions on metal

To answer your question, yes, the 2 bands are Isis and Neurosis.

Some blokes like Mort even go so far as to draw the line at Neurosis, but Isis's discography is practically flawless, and they're certainly original. Their music after Celestial bears only a superficial resemblance to Neurosis, which is something they deliberated during the composition of Oceanic.
To answer your question, yes, the 2 bands are Isis and Neurosis.

Some blokes like Mort even go so far as to draw the line at Neurosis, but Isis's discography is practically flawless, and they're certainly original. Their music after Celestial bears only a superficial resemblance to Neurosis, which is something they deliberated during the composition of Oceanic.

Oceanic is certainly good, but everything after it is so dreadfully boring especially Panopticon.
To answer your question, yes, the 2 bands are Isis and Neurosis.

Some blokes like Mort even go so far as to draw the line at Neurosis, but Isis's discography is practically flawless, and they're certainly original. Their music after Celestial bears only a superficial resemblance to Neurosis, which is something they deliberated during the composition of Oceanic.

I gotta add Cult of Luna to the list, though. I know they were a few years behind Neurosis, but Panopticon and Salvation both came out the same year and are pretty watershed releases.

Neurosis - Through Silver and Blood, Times of Grace
Isis - Panopticon, Oceanic
Cult of Luna - Salvation, Somewhere Along the Highway

Six albums that are pretty much mandatory listening for post-metal. I'd certainly add tons by bands like Rosetta, Mouth of the Architect, The Ocean, Pelican, Year of No Light, Lightbringer, Amenra, Kowloon Walled City, Omega Massif, etc etc etc, but those three bands and those albums from each are pretty much all you need to check out to know if you like the sound at all, and IMO Panopticon and Somewhere Along the Highway are the best of them.

BTW I think I'm gonna have to start putting up even MORE post just to piss Krow off since I know I'm the target of that comment.
BTW I think I'm gonna have to start putting up even MORE post just to piss Krow off since I know I'm the target of that comment.


I'm pretty sure you've posted how great every post metal album that exists is already and you listen to everything one time so you'll have to wait for new releases.

I can stand Neurosis and The Ocean, that's as far as my list goes. Cult of Luna is a band that would benefit from an occasional clean vocal from time to time. They're a prime example of monotony. And I'm sure someone is bound to bring up brutal death metal but hey, those albums are over in a half hour, not 70 minutes.

I'm pretty sure you've posted how great every post metal album that exists is already and you listen to everything one time so you'll have to wait for new releases.

I can stand Neurosis and The Ocean, that's as far as my list goes. Cult of Luna is a band that would benefit from an occasional clean vocal from time to time. They're a prime example of monotony. And I'm sure someone is bound to bring up brutal death metal but hey, those albums are over in a half hour, not 70 minutes.

LOL dude you should see the pile of albums I -don't- post. On a given day I try really hard to find at least two albums I've never heard before, whether new releases or stuff from the past I never stumbled across before. The ones I put in the thread are the ones I'm really digging. Not the best of the best, just ones I think are pretty excellent.

Plus, honestly, I get tired of people being like "OMG THIS MORBID ANGEL ALBUM IS KICKING MY ASS". No fucking shit, dude. We all know that's a kickass album. Why not try and expand your horizons a bit? Even sticking with death metal try finding stuff you don't listen to all the damn time.

I'm not gonna say Cult of Luna isn't monotonous, honestly I think that's part of the allure. Slam/brutal/grind is monotonous in the sense that they're out to pummel you. Post bands are out to lull you into a sort of "haze". If the tracks were shorter the good ones wouldn't be able to do that.

That said, Godspeed You! Black Emperor is the most overrated fucking band in the world. I've tried on SEVERAL occasions to understand them and have never succeeded. The songs just don't move well. They creep along and do nothing interesting. A lot of post-rock is like that, and it sucks.
Anyone ever check out Opeth? They're this sweet band that growls and sings. IN THE SAME SONG!! And their songs are like 15 minutes long. Crazy. They have this one album called Blackwater Park and it's TOTALLY KICKING MY ASS RIGHT NOW!!! You should totally check it out SomeGuyDude. By the way have you have ever heard of Slayer? They have this one album called Reign In Blood that you would probably like.
Why not try and expand your horizons a bit? Even sticking with death metal try finding stuff you don't listen to all the damn time.

That said, Godspeed You! Black Emperor is the most overrated fucking band in the world. I've tried on SEVERAL occasions to understand them and have never succeeded. The songs just don't move well. They creep along and do nothing interesting. A lot of post-rock is like that, and it sucks.

It's really not that i don't try new things. It's that I gravitate back to things I really like. And I buy music, a lot of it. Gives incentive to really dig into albums multiple times, I think. I usually listen to at least a track off of a newer album to an idea of what it's about.

Do I come off as someone that only listens to death metal? I listen to a LOT of traditional metal, doom, and hard rock. I have an unhealthy love for new retro bands like Graveyard and Orchid too.

I will say I'm totally burned out on new osdm to the point I won't even try them.

GY!BE is just.... Yuck. God is an Astronaut or Red Sparowes please.
Plus, honestly, I get tired of people being like "OMG THIS MORBID ANGEL ALBUM IS KICKING MY ASS". No fucking shit, dude. We all know that's a kickass album. Why not try and expand your horizons a bit?

You do realize the title of the thread is "Albums CURRENTLY Kick Your Ass" right? Who gives a shit if "Master of Reality" or whatever amazing album has been posted a billion times, it's still kicking my ass 40 years after it's release.

Krow--I remember when you used to worship everything on Razorback Records. It's so fucking interesting watching people's musical interests change over time. Now you are like me, except less awesome.

I'm gonna try to avoid this teal dear without veering off the highway. I think this website sums it up pretty well, in both high and low context:

“Intuition, feeling, imagination” Arthur Elson characterizing woman’s work in music 1903; combined with Pratt’s 1915 article - the art of music (feminine) depends on the science of music (masculine) - metaphor, more detachment, away from “feminine” (Cusick 479)

Based on some stuff I've read by Hofstede, conversations and interviews with 20th Century composers and musicians, I've characterized these musical traits as feminine:

- Contemplation
- Space
- Imagination
- (More abstract) Playing by feel, which in metal I take as allowing each riff to breathe instead of playing it for an "appropriate" length of time such as 4 bars, 8 bars, etc. Leniency toward progressive song structures instead of pop song structures.
- Restraint
- Symmetry and curvature

I would call these qualities more the masculine elements in music:

- Demonstration
- Business
- Tradition
- Playing appropriate styles, riffs, leniency toward shorter songs with conventional pop-style verse/chorus/verse structures. "This is a circle pit riff." "This is what the rhythm section is supposed to play during a guitar solo." "This is what power metal drumming sounds like."
- Virtuosity
- Asymmetry and angularity

Anyhow, I think this post is getting a bit too long.
Yoda, I never got the hate for early razorback. Ghoul, Hooded Menace, Acid Witch, Coffins... he hasn't put out a decent album in years though and being an asshole made these bands leave.
It's really not that i don't try new things. It's that I gravitate back to things I really like. And I buy music, a lot of it. Gives incentive to really dig into albums multiple times, I think. I usually listen to at least a track off of a newer album to an idea of what it's about.

Do I come off as someone that only listens to death metal? I listen to a LOT of traditional metal, doom, and hard rock. I have an unhealthy love for new retro bands like Graveyard and Orchid too.

I will say I'm totally burned out on new osdm to the point I won't even try them.

GY!BE is just.... Yuck. God is an Astronaut or Red Sparowes please.

That's a fair point all around. Nothing in this post I can disagree with.

And it might be the fact that I use Spotify (rather that buying discs) that has me such a neophyte with music. Since I don't need to purchase things individually I can just burn through whatever pops up on the various discovery engines and see what hits me right. I have no doubts if I was purchasing discs I'd be revisiting more albums.

And no no no, I didn't mean that you listen to death metal, that was just a random example of an album that's renowned and gets posted a lot. You can shift it around for whatever genre, that wasn't at all directed at you specifically. I was just making a general point about people who just revisit the same old wells.

I definitely listen to albums more than once, but as far as I'm concerned there's no use in posting that. I like the thread for its potential for discovery (I've found a lot of great shit through it). Let's say that I just REALLY love Filosofem and I listen to it once a day. Should I post every day that Filosofem is kicking my ass? It's pointless. We get it, that album kicked my ass, let's move on.

That's just how -I- treat the thread. Once I've posted an album, it's established as kicking my ass, so there's no need to post it again unless for some reason it's just REALLY affecting me. On days I don't post, it's because I'm either listening to old favorites or haven't found anything new that really works.

Maybe that should be another thread? One about "If I Haven't Heard it, It's New to Me" for people digging around for shit they haven't heard yet?
You do realize the title of the thread is "Albums CURRENTLY Kick Your Ass" right? Who gives a shit if "Master of Reality" or whatever amazing album has been posted a billion times, it's still kicking my ass 40 years after it's release.

Krow--I remember when you used to worship everything on Razorback Records. It's so fucking interesting watching people's musical interests change over time. Now you are like me, except less awesome.

I just find it repetitive is all (lol at a guy who loves post complaining about monotony). I like being able to see new stuff in there.

And yeah, watching tastes drift is definitely cool. Go through mine and you'll find weeks of nothing but brutal/slam, then a rash of grind, then crust/powerviolence, a bunch of depressive black metal, post seems to be where I'm hanging around the most but it sure hasn't been constant.
I don't even know if this is controversial or not but I don't believe Slayer (or really any of the big 4) will ever release another good album ever again.
Slayer's odd to me. I don't think they've really had any BAD albums (even Diabolus was pretty good), they're just not changing over the years so it's a matter of "yeah we already heard that, thanks."