Controversial opinions on metal

Arkona are way, way better than Ensiferum. They bring it to another level and perhaps are the best folk metal band in general, better than Skyclad, that's for sure. It doesn't always seem like that on first listen and the Russian language is a barrier, but they really are pros and it shines through on repeated listens. One of the better metal bands going really.
Arkona are way, way better than Ensiferum. They bring it to another level and perhaps are the best folk metal band in general, better than Skyclad, that's for sure. It doesn't always seem like that on first listen and the Russian language is a barrier, but they really are pros and it shines through on repeated listens. One of the better metal bands going really.

Can you post some of your favorite songs of theirs for me to check out?
Ensiferum are pretty shitty in general tbh. Folk metal fucking sucks, unless its folk black, and even then most of the time its terrible there as well.

Folk and metal just shouldn't be mixed. [/controversial]
Ensiferum are pretty shitty in general tbh. Folk metal fucking sucks, unless its folk black, and even then most of the time its terrible there as well.

Folk and metal just shouldn't be mixed. [/controversial]


EDIT: Just a quick side story, I saw Ensiferum at a festival in Anaheim years ago. Mightve been Summer Slaughter?...Anyway, the lead singer during one of his songs screams, "Come on ATLANTTTTTTTTAAAAAAAAA!!!"...Being that we were in Anaheim, it was very funny because he continued to go on even after the song until the whole crowd started shouting that we were in ANAHEIM. :lol:

As if their music wasnt enough to make me laugh at them. They are fucking stupid. And dont even get me started about Finntroll. :erk:

EDIT: Just a quick side story, I saw Ensiferum at a festival in Anaheim years ago. Mightve been Summer Slaughter?...Anyway, the lead singer during one of his songs screams, "Come on ATLANTTTTTTTTAAAAAAAAA!!!"...Being that we were in Anaheim, it was very funny because he continued to go on even after the song until the whole crowd started shouting that we were in ANAHEIM. :lol:

As if their music wasnt enough to make me laugh at them. They are fucking stupid. And dont even get me started about Finntroll. :erk:

At least when Phil said Milwaukee instead of Maryland he managed to play it off and come across as cooler for it.

CONTROVERSIAL OPINION: As much as people like to call metal the angriest and most furious music there is, 95% of metal bands can't hold a candle to hardcore punk when it comes to balls-out fury.
I think the "punk" part of "hardcore punk" is optional. If I'm not mistaken though, nowadays bands that just say "hardcore" have a more metallic edge to them.

Hardcore punk


Metallic hardcore


FACK I hate subgenre terminology.
So do I but its important...

Because I need to know what you mean when you say Hardcore Punk...Are we talking about the Gorilla Biscuits or Terror or Converge or 7Angels 7Plagues or Bury Your Dead.

All completely different styles of hardcore.

EDIT: I need to check At Odds out.
I'm talking about hardcore punk with some metallic edge sometimes, sure. Bands like Blacklisted, Hope Conspiracy, and ABSOLUTELY Dangers and Lewd Acts.
Folk and metal just shouldn't be mixed. [/controversial]

I'd say Scandinavian folk and metal shouldn't be mixed. I fucking hate the jollyfolk sound - Ensiferum, Wintersun, Korpliklaani, Finntroll, etc. Other styles of folk mix quite well - stuff like Skyclad, Orphaned Land, early Eluvietie,etc.
I actually really don't mind Wintersun's self-titled, but then again it just sounds like power metal to me. The folk elements are kept to an absolute minimum. But tbh, bands like Ensiferum, Korpiklaani and Eluveitie can go die.
I used to listent o Ensiferum but I think it was because I was being a child and wanted to like them, plus I liked one song on their demo. They really are shit compared to Arkona though.