Controversial opinions on metal

Sinner, Call for the Priest, Dissident Aggressor, Exciter, and Rapid Fire are more aggressive and energetic than pretty much anything Iron Maiden has ever done (and I actually side with Maiden overall in the eternal debate). "Too rock"? Stop falseposing.

EDIT: Although on a controversial note, Hole in the Sky is one of my least favorite Black Sabbath songs. It's such a fucking stupid and lazy song, but admittedly I might be similarly biased as since it's the kind of Sabbath that all those retro stoner bands take after.

Oh fuck I never knew about Pantera's cover and it's ten times worse. Ugggh
Hole in the sky kinda sucks. But I love stuff like After Forever, A National Acrobat, or Into the Void that are relatively energetic for Sabbath. I just find a lot of older priest stuff dry and a little rote.
Oh yeah, Sabbath has plenty of aggressive and energetic stuff, I just felt like shitting on that one song cuz everyone seems to consider it a classic (which I can kind of understand, but I still really dislike hearing the song). I mean, Disturbing the Priest is basically the Gorguts of trad metal with that weird angular harmonic-laden riff and the piercing vocals. They were unquestionably heavier than anyone else at their time.

Yeah, Living After Midnight was an obvious and successful attempt at radioplay. It isn't remotely representative of everything they had done up to that point.
Examples of songs better than Reckless and Hard as Iron? I don't believe it. Admittedly I've only listened to the album one and a half times or something, but

Well Reckless isn't that good and Hard as Iron was only good as a kind of proto Painkiller heavy song on an otherwise shite disc 2 of Turbo.

Another controversial note, the Ripper Owens Priest albums are good metal albums and a bit underrated really. I also think that Halford should have sang the better songs, like Cathedral Spires, Burn in Hell and Close to You in live shows when he got back in the band.
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They've always had shitty tracks on albums, or almost always and their early stuff can sound like collection albums of songs that sound like they're from specific different albums by other bands of the time.
Judas Priest's filler tracks are generally still so much better than that of most other big-names. Well, OK, there's the occasional arena rock stupidity like United or Heavy Duty/Defenders of the Faith, but no biggie. I don't know what you're talking about by your "specific different albums by other bands of the time" thing. As with any band you can point out individual riffs that might have been borrowed (consciously or unconsciously) from other acts, but on an album-by-album basis they usually pin down a specific sound pretty well.
You've said many times before that your issue with Judas Priest (along with Mercyful Fate and others) was that the vocals were too "gay" for you. You're just uncomfortable with the fact that Halford's sexy and passionate voice turns you on.
Are you fucking retarded? Where do you come up with these? I've called Halford a fag, which he is, but I've never said anything about their vocals being "too gay", whatever the fuck that means... I never cared for Halfords vocals and i still dont, and i think most of his lyrics are absolute garbage. You're just spewing random nonsense out of your loose asshole ... and according to you, i've also said the same thing about MF and numerous "other bands"? :lol: WOW. You really are fucking delusional.

And also, just please take into consideration that most of my responses arent even geared towards you, so please dont even bother quoting me or responding back with your usual nonsense when you see my posts.

Now go sit on Halfords lap and let him stroke your hair.
Wow this thread took an ugly turn. Also, halford's boyfriends arent as gay as you are for mustaine so you have no room to make that comment.
Oh, you know his boyfriends? Personally? :lol: Why am i not surprised.

edit: Also, what have i ever said about Mustaine that would make you say something that stupid? I dont even like Mustaine as a person. OH SHIT THEY'RE MY FAVORITE BAND SO IMA FAP TO MUSTAINE! :lol: Oh man, some of you guys are nothing more than a bunch shallow nitwits ... please, use your fuckin brains before you guys post.
Mustaine is one of your favorite metal vocalists, but you can't stand Halford. You have such a hard-on for posturing, pseudo-heterosexual flash metal that you can't be anything other than deeply sexually conflicted.