Controversial opinions on metal

euro power bands use blast beats and double bass??
Euro power bands play rapeloads of double bass. There's so much double bass that you want to fall asleep from the hypnotic tickticktickticktick, especially if it's triggered, which it usually is.

[ame=]Eagle Fly Free[/ame]
What do you hear when the fanfare opening ends? DOUBLE BASS. Tickticktickticktick! It dominates the entire soundscape with its ceaseless mechanical soulless drone of bass drum hits. At least Deris' rendition of this song is far less annoying than Kiske's. He sounds like a German version of James LaBrie instead of the fourth member of Alvin and the Chipmunks.

Then there are the thrash bands that won't lay off the blasts/proto-blasts, which are a whole other kind of annoying.

I don't understand how anyone could dislike post-Arch FW
I don't dislike post-Arch FW per se, I dislike post-Parallels FW. No Exit is great and Parallels is perfectly OK.
Do you even know what a blast beat is?
I think you mean aggressive snare beats.
And either way, you're wrong.
Across The Open Sea is the best Unleashed album. I'm sure a lot of people here would disagree.
Nadja rules. If they play within the local Chicago area, my band might be able to open for them...

Cookiecutter, how was it seeing them live? I have not been able to see them live and I heard it is very interesting.
It was really cool. They played two songs and had a really interesting sound. It was a pretty intimate show since it was just in the downstairs section of a record shop.
Across The Open Sea is the best Unleashed album. I'm sure a lot of people here would disagree.

I do prefer Shadows a bit, if only because "The Immortals" is one of my favorite tunes of theirs. But I wouldn't say it's substantially better than either AtOS or the debut, which are both great as well. I'm not really even sure which of those two I prefer.