Controversial opinions on metal

when it comes to manilla road, i much prefer the more recent stuff like voyager, spiral castle and gates of fire over crystal logic, open the gates and deluge. it just appeals to me more.

Agreed I like later Manilla Road better too. Spiral Castle is perfection my favorite album from them.
"What does this even matter?"......Well, it's the entire point of this discussion we are having...

On your very...bizarre, shall I say, appeal to Joseph Stalin as some form of rebuttal, you must have been intoxicated when you wrote that because it is devoid of any relevance whatsoever, and perhaps the most glaring non sequitur ever issued in the entire history of this thread. Clearly we disagree, so let us just leave it at that before you get more carried away.

It makes perfect sense if you understand the fallacy of an appeal to authority. But I'm getting the sense I shouldn't have bothered.
going back to virgin steele's early albums, it truly baffles me how anyone can prefer their first 3 albums over the marriage, atreus, or age of consent albums. i did like a few songs from guardians of the flame and noble savage is good throughout, for what it is.

to hamburgerboy, try listening to perfect mansions, agony and shame, through the ring of fire, crown of glory, or i will come for you.

i think these songs show a bit more flair for the dramatic than manowar ever showed, though there are definitely parallels between the two. that's probably expected as i believe the bands have toured together a few times. perhaps if you'd have heard VS first like i did......

who knows, you might like the newer stuff. definitely try hidden god and childslayer.
"Perfect Mansions" gets me fucking pumped.

"We rise above the world,
And we soar above the waves
With the last of all my breath
I slew the best of seven wraiths."
Checked out Pain of Salvation tonight. Boring as fuck.

What album(s)/song(s)?

Crystal Logic has some really classic songs on it, but I think some of the hard rock cliches really drag it down, mostly in the title track and Feeling Free Again. Stuff like Necropolis or The Veils of Negative Existence are fucking classics, though.

Veils is as terrible as the title track imo. There can be brilliance in simplicity, then there's just stupid repetition and lazy songwriting.

going back to virgin steele's early albums, it truly baffles me how anyone can prefer their first 3 albums over the marriage, atreus, or age of consent albums. i did like a few songs from guardians of the flame and noble savage is good throughout, for what it is.

to hamburgerboy, try listening to perfect mansions, agony and shame, through the ring of fire, crown of glory, or i will come for you.

i think these songs show a bit more flair for the dramatic than manowar ever showed, though there are definitely parallels between the two. that's probably expected as i believe the bands have toured together a few times. perhaps if you'd have heard VS first like i did......

who knows, you might like the newer stuff. definitely try hidden god and childslayer.

Will do when I get home.
Perfect Mansions: Forgot that this was one on Age of Consent. Once the metal part comes in at 2:30 it's basically indistinguishable from Manowar for me, except in some of the softer falsetto vocals. That element along with the keyboard-led parts might be what you're talking about regarding dramatic flair to distinguish the two, which is fair enough. Solid song, has a genuine epic feel to it.

Agony and Shame: OK, this one sounds great. It's relatively short but there are at least half a dozen very distinct riffs/sections, and builds up gradually and nicely.

Through the Ring of Fire: Not feeling this one as much. The bridge section is pretty cool, especially when it picks up around 2:40, but the verses are nondescript and don't carry much melody nor any flair, and that chorus is just disgusting.

Crown of Glory: Third song in a row now with that kick snare kickkick snare rhythm in the verses. They try to break it up a bit with a bit of chop in the chorus, which works, but I think the problem with them for me is that so many of the songs follow the same tempo and basic rhythm that an 80 minute album with a dozen songs like that absolutely bores me. There are good moments in a lot of these songs, but damn son, cut the filler. Anyways, don't hear much to out-pomp Manowar, especially with that intro riff that appears a few times, which comes more from a melodic trad/maybe hair wing anyways.

I Will Come for You: Can't say much about it that I haven't said about the last two. Not bad, bridge sections and non-metal parts more interesting than the meat of the song, fine on its own but ugh, I'd much rather sit through a bunch of melodic hair metal riffs rather than basic power chords if we're talking about a full album.
I don't know if I'd really call The Chasm or Beherit currently "active," as they virtually never play live. Pretty sure that Summoning's newest is going to be their swansong too, but can't confirm that.

My vote would go to stuff like Revelation, Slough Feg, perhaps even Manilla Road.
I really like the atmosphere on Stronghold. But I think I prefer Minas Morgul and Dol Guldur more.

And the case about Summoning's swansong is really, really possible. Old Mornings Dawn had some great cuts, but I liked Oath Bound even more.