Controversial opinions on metal

Cannibal Corpse is the most predictable, boring and overrated band to ever qualify as death metal. I think Origin is complete garbage but I consider CC to be worse. Honestly I think they only gained popularity for being in a popular movie and for having gory album covers.
None of those are really comparable to Origin at all, unless you're just using Origin as a catch-all for modern tech-death.

There's modern "brutal/technical death metal" that I actually enjoy, Wormed for example, but there's this whole technical death metal scene that is just blatant Necrophagist worship with emphasis on the boring/uninspired technical song structures and no focus on creating actually interesting riffs.
Cannibal Corpse is comfortable being a Death Metal band and a fun listen and I do feel like they do progress their music. Vile and Bloodthirst with Corpsegrinder are specifically cool albums. A few of their albums I have not heard. Origin does all that sweep picking garbage shit. I personally don't care for the technique.
Does Origin actually sound anything like Necrophagist though? I'm pretty sure the answer is no but I haven't listened to either in a while (although I did hear a few songs from Origin's newest).

Cannibal Corpse is overrated, but predictable and boring, ehhhh. They certainly don't make me hard, but there are pretty clear changes in sound throughout their discography. I'd pick Asphyx over them for boring, at least.
Cannibal Corpse is the most predictable, boring and overrated band to ever qualify as death metal. I think Origin is complete garbage but I consider CC to be worse. Honestly I think they only gained popularity for being in a popular movie and for having gory album covers.

Blah blah blah. Cannibal Corpse has released and is still releasing damn good death metal albums.
Blah blah blah. Cannibal Corpse has released and is still releasing damn good death metal albums.

Honestly, I get how some people like their sound, it's relentless and fast, but the riffs just never catch my attention. Also I think Corpsegrinder's vocals are jarring, I can't sit there and listen to him without either getting a headache or just laughing.
Cannibal Corpse are the real deal. You don't have to love them, but they've been delivering consistent and proficient death metal since the very beginning without ever wavering, and that deserves some respect.

Also, say what you want about them but they're streets ahead compared to most of the random cookiecutter death metal bands that have popped up since the mid-90s.

I agree that Asphyx are overrated. They have some great riffs, but I find that they often rely on the crushing production to carry them through some otherwise dull material, and their actual song-writing is often quite forgettable.
I agree that Asphyx are overrated. They have some great riffs, but I find that they often rely on the crushing production to carry them through some otherwise dull material, and their actual song-writing is often quite forgettable.

Have to give van Drunen credit too. But yeah, they're all style and sound, no substance. People think that they have dynamics just because they can stitch generic OSDM with generic doom metal. No surprise that the Manilla Road crowd typically LOVES them.
Van Drunen is a damn good vocalist, but he's been on so many albums over the years that there's really no need to listen to Asphyx.

I find Asphyx have that typically oversaturated guitar sound where a cleaner tone would serve the material better. I'd point to Jungle Rot as a band that does simplistic downtuned thrash death metal riffs pretty much perfectly, as far as production goes.

To be fair, stuff like Asphyx is definitely meant to be experienced live, but it's not like there's a severe shortage of headbanging old school death metal with more memorable songwriting.
Recent Asphyx is not very memorable (but killer live), but The Rack fucking rips like few other albums do.

Consuming Impulse is the best album Van Drunen has been on though.
The Rack is the one I'm most familiar with. Total bore.

Consuming has his best vocals that I've heard, but Malleus Maleficarum has the best songwriting and is all around the best album. Listening to the two back-to-back, I've recently come to the conclusion that it terms of stripping away the thrashiness, Consuming Impulse didn't even do that much. It's still an awesome album, but it's like a streamlined version of the debut with some pretty icing in the form of keyboard choirs and stuff.
Jungle Rot is like the epitome of boring ass death metal. I don't understand why anyone would actively seek them out and purchase their albums.

I was using them as an example of production. Albums like Fueled by Hatred or Dead and Buried sound thick and heavy without sacrificing any clarity.

But to me, they write short songs based around a handful of simple, moshable riffs. Unambitious, certainly, but their reach never exceeds their grasp. That said I'd really only recommend their first four albums.
I was using them as an example of production. Albums like Fueled by Hatred or Dead and Buried sound thick and heavy without sacrificing any clarity.

But to me, they write short songs based around a handful of simple, moshable riffs. Unambitious, certainly, but their reach never exceeds their grasp. That said I'd really only recommend their first four albums.

They have more? :erk:

EDIT: I'll check out their first demo I guess.

Speaking about bad death metal bands, Debauchery anyone?
Rage of the Bloodbeast is alright...

Skin the Living and Slaughter the Weak are pretty old school, bare-bones death metal. Dead and Buried and Fueled by Hatred have a more hardcore influenced sound. Good stuff if you just want consistent, head-banging death metal

Their albums after that were pretty much retreads of Fueled by Hatred.
The Rack is one of my favorite Death Metal albums, but to the most recent two Asphyx albums do nothing for me at all.