Controversial opinions on metal

Depends on the subgenre. I don't think you can really compare all that well intergenre.
Also, are we referring to best total output? Best current output? Best live show? Etc.
Summoning will put out another album I believe, though it's probably gonna be in like 7 years. Whatevs. Oath Bound is their best IMHO, but I won't fault anyone for choosing any from their catalog as their best.
As far as I know Bolt Thrower just plays live, they have 8 albums, how many albums do you need to put out anyways.
Mekong Delta. New stuff is as great as their classic material (Wanderer on the Edge of Time even better).
As far as I know Bolt Thrower just plays live, they have 8 albums, how many albums do you need to put out anyways.

I know. It's just that he specified "active" bands and I thought it was strange to think of Bolt Thrower first. They're more of an old band sometimes doing shows.
I don't know if I'd really call The Chasm or Beherit currently "active," as they virtually never play live. Pretty sure that Summoning's newest is going to be their swansong too, but can't confirm that.

My vote would go to stuff like Revelation, Slough Feg, perhaps even Manilla Road.

I say "active" as they haven't broke up, so I hold out hope that new albums will come.
Now there's a band I need to get into. What's a good starting point for someone who's into Vektor and Mental Vortex?

Long answer that doesn't really directly answer your question:

They don't really have any great albums for immediate access imo (Vektor and Coroner both have very nice hooks in addition to their complexity), but the first one most people would likely recommend you is The Music of Erich Zann. That one came from what I would call their first period, all their 80s material. You have to be able to tolerate kinda rough production and yelping Germanic speed metal vocals, but if you're OK with that, it's great tech-thrash. To me the follow-up The Principle of Doubt is stronger and has more interesting prog breaks, but a lot of people seem to criticize it even more harshly for production. The debut has some brilliant parts, but I'd definitely check it out last of the three.

In the 90s they increasingly moved away from thrash towards progressive metal, and saw the introduction of a new (and more able (but just as silly)) vocalist. Many people jizzm over their 20 minute Dances of Death suite, and if you just want something very different from most other metal of their time, its worth a shot. The following two albums (Kaleidoscope and Visions Fugitive) are the ones I'd recommend least, especially for a fan of tech-thrash, but the classical influences are pretty strong and interesting.

Then in the late 2000s they reunited, the first album of the period being pretty loyal to the style of their 80s thrash material, but more elaborate and with clearer production. It's maybe the closest they came to doing the same album twice, but the 20 year gap makes it still worthwhile. The following is almost "pure" progressive metal, introducing their first fully-competent singer and even a ballad, and is also their most cleanly produced, but despite containing maybe one and a half thrash songs, it's easily identifiable as them. I'd imagine it to be their most accessible, but probably not what a Vektor/Coroner fan is looking for. The newest just came out but right now I'd say it's very roughly between the last two, and while I love it so far, I don't think it's a good introduction to the band.

Short answer:

The Music of Erich Zann and Lurking Fear, which are Mekong Delta in full tech-thrash mode and of their tech-thrash albums, apparently the most accessible/representative by consensus.
I know. It's just that he specified "active" bands and I thought it was strange to think of Bolt Thrower first. They're more of an old band sometimes doing shows.

Yeah I get what you're saying. Those Once Loyal is a really good cd. BT consitantly played Death Metal and progressed their music without giving into trends and have a fan base. I can't stand most modern rock and pop music. Indie rock is terrible. I'm not a hippie either. I still have tons of shit I can listen to thanks to the metal genre.
None of those are really comparable to Origin at all, unless you're just using Origin as a catch-all for modern tech-death.