Controversial opinions on metal

the vocals on MORBID TALES/EMPEROR'S RETURN are incredible lol. seriously wild and insane with a completely singular tone, at that time he was right up there with the likes of araya, baloff and brian ross for me. i agree the songs drag from time to time, too much repetition particularly of certain slower sections, but i don't get how anyone could listen to, say, DETHRONREEDD EEMPHEEHRUHURRR and not headbang like a mental patient.
You guys be smoking.

First off Serenades shouldnt even be brought up.

And Judgement is clearly their best release to date. WS does give it a run for its money. Some of their best song writing for sure, but the songs dont hold a candle to the classics on Judgement. That album cant be fucked with.

Eternity will always have a soft spot in my heart; it was album that got me started on Anathema. Very rarely do I revist that one and if I do, its mainly just for Angelica.

Fixed that one for you.

DS is easily their worst album...

Anathema has a fucking great discography tbh. However I feel A Fine Day To Exit never gets praised, and it should, its a great album.

Judgment is a GREAT album but I think everything that came after it was better. A Natural Disaster is criminally overlooked and one of my favorites. Also Distant Satellites easily surpasses anything they've done prior and is their best album, in my book. That thing blew me away when I first heard it and still does. Much more than Weather Systems did.
Judgment is a GREAT album but I think everything that came after it was better. A Natural Disaster is criminally overlooked and one of my favorites. Also Distant Satellites easily surpasses anything they've done prior and is their best album, in my book. That thing blew me away when I first heard it and still does. Much more than Weather Systems did.

I disagree with every single point in this post.

First off Distant Satellites *surpasses anything* theyve done prior? Are you fucking kidding me? Please explain your opinion on this. Untouchable pt.1, the first song off Weather Systems is far greater and holds much more weight than the whole DS album!

A Natural Disaster, before DS came out, was the album I listened to the least. Its got only like 3 songs I return back for. I feel its overlooked because there is far better material of theirs to spend your time listening to. Im not saying its bad, by any means, its definitely an album you have to listen to in its entirety and I dont think its worth the time to sit through completely. Id rather pick a few songs and leave the rest. But I think its main focus as an album was for it to be played live, and to be played live in between their other, better material because it flows nicely, its catchy, but its nothing too memorable. So it fills the space between their better material, which is cool. Thats what I feel they were going for with DS, but failed miserably.
Yes I agree with the above poster. DS is good but not even close to Weather Systems (or WHBWH or A4). I further concur that Untouchable pt 1 is masterful and better than most of DS on its own. Like I've said in other posts, the title track of the new album is fantastic and some others approach greatness. Paired against the back catalog, though, DS doesn't come near that brilliance.
I disagree with every single point in this post.

First off Distant Satellites *surpasses anything* theyve done prior? Are you fucking kidding me? Please explain your opinion on this. Untouchable pt.1, the first song off Weather Systems is far greater and holds much more weight than the whole DS album!

A Natural Disaster, before DS came out, was the album I listened to the least. Its got only like 3 songs I return back for. I feel its overlooked because there is far better material of theirs to spend your time listening to. Im not saying its bad, by any means, its definitely an album you have to listen to in its entirety and I dont think its worth the time to sit through completely. Id rather pick a few songs and leave the rest. But I think its main focus as an album was for it to be played live, and to be played live in between their other, better material because it flows nicely, its catchy, but its nothing too memorable. So it fills the space between their better material, which is cool. Thats what I feel they were going for with DS, but failed miserably.

I figured you'd disagree with my post considering I did the same with yours :lol:

Explain my opinion? Really? Lost Song pt. 1, 2, AND 3? Ariel? Anathema? The title track? These songs bleed even more emotion and power than the material on Weather Systems AND did so without overlayering everything. While Weather Systems is AMAZING and one of the best albums I think I've ever heard, that was it's biggest downfall (and a minor downfall at that). Even then I think WHBWH is a stonger album overall than Weather Systems was. DS is essentially the perfect balance between WHBWH, WS, and some of their late 00s material. Which is why I think it surpasses the rest of their discography. I honestly don't understand how you could like WS and WHBWH and dislike DS. It doesn't make sense to me.
Explain my opinion? Really? Lost Song pt. 1, 2, AND 3? Ariel? Anathema? The title track? These songs bleed even more emotion and power than the material on Weather Systems AND did so without overlayering everything. While Weather Systems is AMAZING and one of the best albums I think I've ever heard, that was it's biggest downfall (and a minor downfall at that). Even then I think WHBWH is a stonger album overall than Weather Systems was. DS is essentially the perfect balance between WHBWH, WS, and some of their late 00s material. Which is why I think it surpasses the rest of their discography. I honestly don't understand how you could like WS and WHBWH and dislike DS. It doesn't make sense to me.

Interesting points.

Im not sure what you mean by Weather Systems being the best album you ever heard, and how thats its biggest and minor downfall.

I like the comparison between WHBWH, WS and some of their older material. I can see that, but to me its not the blend of the best parts of that material. I guess it was the underlayering of everything that struck me as a step away from their sound, which it was, but not in a good way. To me there is no denying the step down in musicianship and songwriting on DS. I think thats something we will just have to agree to disagree on.

I can agree the Lost song pt.1 and 2 are good. But that is it for the whole album, imo. The rest is whatever. Decent or potentially good moments were ruined by bad songwriting. DS just muddles around because most of the time there isnt anything interesting going on outside of the vocals (which is the strongest part of the album), or if there is, im too pissed that I wasted the past 3/4th's of the song with my dick in my hand.

The song Anathema is quite possibly one of their worst songs, ever. Like almost everything on the record its a repetitive beat, this time the piano (which sounds like a alarm ringtone on my phone that I cant fucking silence), with nothing memorable to click it and carry it. Vince's voice and lyrics start to grab me, but im lost because it goes no where until the guitar kicks in but by that point im too pissed because I couldnt mute that fucking piano.

Distant Satelittes is not far behind it. That drum tone is ridiculously stupid and is backed by nothing memorable to keep me interested. It had a chance towards the end with Vince's vocals getting interesting, but everything else that is going on makes me cringe and just want to skip the track.

I see the points you made, and you made some really interesting ones that make me want to go back and listen to it again and see what I think, despite how badly I cringe at the idea of it...
Interesting points.

Im not sure what you mean by Weather Systems being the best album you ever heard, and how thats its biggest and minor downfall.

I like the comparison between WHBWH, WS and some of their older material. I can see that, but to me its not the blend of the best parts of that material. I guess it was the underlayering of everything that struck me as a step away from their sound, which it was, but not in a good way. To me there is no denying the step down in musicianship and songwriting on DS. I think thats something we will just have to agree to disagree on.

I can agree the Lost song pt.1 and 2 are good. But that is it for the whole album, imo. The rest is whatever. Decent or potentially good moments were ruined by bad songwriting. DS just muddles around because most of the time there isnt anything interesting going on outside of the vocals (which is the strongest part of the album), or if there is, im too pissed that I wasted the past 3/4th's of the song with my dick in my hand.

The song Anathema is quite possibly one of their worst songs, ever. Like almost everything on the record its a repetitive beat, this time the piano (which sounds like a alarm ringtone on my phone that I cant fucking silence), with nothing memorable to click it and carry it. Vince's voice and lyrics start to grab me, but im lost because it goes no where until the guitar kicks in but by that point im too pissed because I couldnt mute that fucking piano.

Distant Satelittes is not far behind it. That drum tone is ridiculously stupid and is backed by nothing memorable to keep me interested. It had a chance towards the end with Vince's vocals getting interesting, but everything else that is going on makes me cringe and just want to skip the track.

I see the points you made, and you made some really interesting ones that make me want to go back and listen to it again and see what I think, despite how badly I cringe at the idea of it...

Give it a shot, but based on your specific tastes in Anathema's songwriting, I doubt you'll gain much from revisiting to be honest. It either resonates strongly with you or leaves you cold.
Cold Lake isn't that bad, really. But Morbid Tales....oh, fuck. That's the best. Considering the time period, the evil, heavy sound they had was incredible. "Procreation of the Wicked" is one of the best, heaviest songs in metal. Period.
Anathema was a mildly entertaining poor-man's version of the great My Dying Bride during the early days of the Darren White era. They improved significantly with Pentacost III but were never first tier, IMO.

They upped the ante as soon as White departed and improved with each record….and since Alternative 4, have been among the most interesting bands out there.

I really like the new release, but it pales compared to the previous two, IMO. Still, it's great.
Damn some serious Celtic Frost hate. The early EPs and To Mega Therion are damn good. I wouldn't go so far as to say they're great records, but they're certainly very good and widely influential. Into the Pandemonium has its moments, but on the whole is an incoherent mess.

Yeah, Pandemonium might have been really influential, but taken for what it is, it is a mess. Some good songs, a lot of crap…'s ultimately over-rated.

but the releases that preceeded it are astounding. The atmosphere CF created with those first releases was unlike anything else, before or since. That darkness has never been replicated, anywhere.
this is quite separate from any comment on the quality of the song writing, but the production on judas priest albums after painkiller really is shocking bad, for the most part.