Controversial opinions on metal

Are you fucking kidding me? Yeah, they have a gigantic fanbase they arent
*quite* worthy of, but theres no denying their classic great songs and badass live act.

Btw, doesnt fit in the thread, but it does with the topic of Kiss, Detroit Rock City is a fucking great movie.

That was one of my favorite movies growing up. Fuck yeah
Megadeth's written some great songs over the years, but they've never released a really great album. Killing Is My Business, Peace Sells, and Rust In Peace are all good, but too inconsistent to really be great, and everything else is just different shades of mediocre.
Megadeth's written some great songs over the years, but they've never released a really great album. Killing Is My Business, Peace Sells, and Rust In Peace are all good, but too inconsistent to really be great, and everything else is just different shades of mediocre.

Rust in Peace is pretty much a flawless record, but I agree the others are fairly up and down.
Yup, RIP is unfuckablewith. I enjoy everything up to and including Youthanasia, but ignore everything after.

slayer never interested me. if i was forced to pick their best, itd be show no mercy or hell awaits. fuck everything else

the "average metalhead" is just as predictable and prone to herd mentality as anyone else. perhaps more so no

go to any metal concert and you'll witness hundreds or thousands of people conforming. the difference is that their click doesnt number in the millions. rather, it numbers in the thousands. But it exists nonetheless. it's clearly evident by the 'metal uniform', which without fail is ever present and in full effect.
the conformity is so thick you can cut it with a knife, much like what you'd expect at any pop "concert". the difference is in how it superficially manifests itself.
Rust in Peace is pretty much a flawless record, but I agree the others are fairly up and down.

Dawn Patrol and the title track are easily on par if not worse than I Ain't Superstitious, and Peace Sells doesn't have any other super-weak links (although Devil's Island is a little generic).
go to any metal concert and you'll witness hundreds or thousands of people conforming. the difference is that their click doesnt number in the millions. rather, it numbers in the thousands. But it exists nonetheless. it's clearly evident by the 'metal uniform', which without fail is ever present and in full effect.
the conformity is so thick you can cut it with a knife, much like what you'd expect at any pop "concert". the difference is in how it superficially manifests itself.

Well, it's not worth getting into a philosophical difference about this, but the key to your statement is 'just as'...

Maybe they 'herd' or 'conform' but they're not as quick to do it as MTV or mainstream music fans.