Controversial opinions on metal

Don't worry, son, limited knowledge isn't always necessarily a sign of limited intelligence... but then again, unfortunately in your case I fear that the worst case scenario may be true in terms of both. :rolleyes:
Actually, I don't necessarily agree with waif on everything but at least he's a cool guy. You don't even have that.
I can't tell if UltimateApathy is a troll or not. Everything he says is completely retarded, but he's not quite as obvious as RandyMoss was.
He posted some weird videos on YouTube that have like 2.5 million views. This one is the worst [ame][/ame]
the following opinion is only controversial to a small minority. But since they're so steadfast in their view that the opposite of reality is truth, it need be listed here.

Hansi Kursch's vocals are horrific. It's an insane world where people dislike great tunes such as "Sun & Steele", "Escape", and Deep Purple's "Come Taste the Band" album yet somehow, miraculously, seem to enjoy the creeping, tuneless noise-pollution that Kursch (sp?) spews. This guys voice is among the worst in the genre. Imagine how awesome BG would have been with a singer. Alas, we'll never truly know.
I have no idea how anyone could think Hansi is a bad vocalist - he isn't a typical PM vocalist, but that is part of why he is so good.

He destroys every one of those typical nothing but their high range hacks.
If you think Hansi Kuersch sucks, you've obviously been to too many concerts, standing too close to the amps, and have suffered hearing damage as a consequence.
Kursch's vocals is the cherry on top of the sundae in my eyes. Blind Guardian's musicianship and songwriting is already fucking amazing and his voice accompanies it perfectly on all their levels; Fast speed metaly shit, the epic choruses, the folky singalongs etc. I cant imagine them with another vocalist, nor would I want to. But to call his voice tuneless noise is laughable, hes one of the most talented vocalists in the metal scene.
I can see not liking Hansi's style. Well, not really. But I can accept that. But he's a technically impeccable singer and a goddamn legend. I'm not a big fan of Halford but I'd never dismiss him as "tuneless noise."
Hansi is pretty much the only thing Blind Guardian has going for them, tbh.

Stoner doom is next to nothing but groove.

Black metal is going for a different thing altogether so it doesn't really apply unless you're talking about first wave stuff.

I tend to forget that "stoner doom" is a thing since most of it either takes after Vol 4 & co. (aka trad enough for me), but yeah, can't deny that either. I don't see any reason for neoclassical metal to be held to high standards of groove when others are not though.
A) Hansi Kursch is awesome, but very overrated as a vocalist.

B) Blind Guardians first few albums are cool.