Controversial opinions on metal

I like Turbo more than DoF. BS and SFV are better by a mile.

It's better than Point of Entry but that album is named after Halford's butthole anyway.

Still Jawbreaker is a favorite.
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Kreator captures that raw fast thrash sound perfectly, however their guitar playing leaves a lot to be desired for me. The guitarist is clearly musically uneducated and the guitar solos are nowhere near 3 of the big 4's and dozens of others. For a tech thrash fan kreator is relatively low on the totem pole, although they are still enjoyable when one just wants that raw thrash sound. You think they are better than dark angel at that sound though?

You don't really have to be educated to play a guitar. A lot of people have guitars or instruments laying around. Kreator deliver when it comes to playing trash metal. I just don't listen to the band, they don't have any kind of original idea musically. Kreator sound like recycled Slayer riffs,etc.. to me and Slayer does it better and has more distinct and different types of songs and there own sound and style.
imo Pleasure to Kill was a genuine forward step in extreme metal's evolution, but yeah, most of their stuff is extremely overrated. Endless Pain is probably one of the most generic and inoffensive thrash debuts from any major band, and their Metallica-wannabe stuff on Epic is horrendous.
Pleasure to Kill is great, but Kreator certainly have more than 1 worthwhile record.

As for the German trio, I have it as: Destruction > Sodom > Kreator.
Pleasure to Kill is great, but Kreator certainly have more than 1 worthwhile record.

As for the German trio, I have it as: Destruction > Sodom > Kreator.

I'm a Sodom guy. For me...

Sodom > Kreator > Destruction

I'm not sure why Destruction has never really clicked with me. They aren't bad or anything I've just not had that big click moment like with Sodom up to and including Tapping the Vein and Coma of Souls for Kreator.
I just find Destruction to be the best riff/song writers and have the best vocals of the lot. At their respective peaks they were all great, though.

I can definitely see why Sodom would be someone's favourite, I always thought they would be mine due to their earliest work but I just ended up loving Destruction more.

Edit: Listening to Endless Pain now for the first time in years and I don't see what this issue is. What about opinions on Terrible Certainty? I never see it discussed much.
I think these days I appreciate Destruction the most of the three. I was a Kreator fanboy back in the day but Destruction are better musically and have grown on me over the years. I was never that into Sodom.
Tapping the Vein is pretty overrated. It's not bad, by Sodom standards it's pretty alright, but it's really uninspired and not that much heavier than a Persecution Mania or whatever. I don't understand all the people that act like it was one of the last great thrash albums.