Controversial opinions on metal

We've always responded to laughable and moronic posts with emojis and memes(especially in this thread). That's what we do. Get fucking used to it.

Guy wants me to explain why i posted a facealm after he bascially said Bowie>Sabbath. How about this, i psoted that facepalm because i personally think david bowie sucked dick and Black Sabbath are the fathers, pioneers, KINGS of heavy metal. youlikethat?

I'm just going to assume you're one of those dipshits who only listens to music labled metal. I also doubt you've heard enough Bowie to make a worthwhile opinion on him but I don't really care because I've lost any reason to care what your opinion is. I do think it's safe to assume you are only 14 though.
I asked you to explain why that's musically wrong and you won't (or, more likely, can't). It doesn't matter to me what you think if you can't explain your opinions at all beyond saying stupid shit like how you're over the age of 30. There's no reason to have the discussion if you don't want to actually discuss the music.

"Whats muscially wrong"? What? Dude, i know those albums and just about every song by fucking heart. And unless you ears dont fuckjing work, it is clear they are not 90% NWOBHM. What part of that do you fucking need me to dissect?

You're still misinterpreting my point bro. I'm not saying that the music of thrash metal is 90% identical to NWOBHM..

I know that's what you meant, thats why im not pushing this any further with you. But this other moron here seems to be convinced that thrash is 90% NWOBHM and he actually wants an explanation as to him why its not, lmao.

I'm saying that 90% of thrash's influence came from NWOBHM.

I wouldnt say 90% but yes it is very high and i agree. I dont think there is anyoner on this planet that would disagree.
Also listening to Kill em all I would say it's heavily NWOBHM influenced and I would not call it pure Thrash.
All that I ask is that you explain what parts of early thrash are not like NWOBHM musically. You keep saying it's obvious, self-explanatory and easy to figure out. Despite these claims, you have yet to explain it at all. That seems odd.

Your age is pretty irrelevant and I don't get why that keeps being mentioned. I, for one, am around the same age as you.
no, they are thrash metal. Speed metal was and sometimes still is used interchangeably with a lot of early thrash though.

Also listening to Kill em all I would say it's heavily NWOBHM influenced and I.
correct. This is something that no one will deny.

would not call it pure Thrash

Not pure, as the sound was still not fully formed ... but definitely thrash.
Nah, they're speed metal man. Obviously Slayer, Anthrax and Metallica are thrash bands, but their debut albums have more in common with early Blind Guardian than they do with thrash as we know it now. The difference is probably most pronounced with Anthrax - listen to Fistful of Metal and Spreading the Disease back to back and you can hear the distinction.
All that I ask is that you explain what parts of early thrash are not like NWOBHM musically. You keep saying it's obvious, self-explanatory and easy to figure out. Despite these claims, you have yet to explain it at all. That seems odd.

yeah , now im convinced that you're fucking mentally handicapped and i wont bother with you anymore after this post. I DID NOT SAY EARLY THRASH IS NOT LIKE NWOBHM. i even fucking told you that early thrash was highly influenced by NWOBHM. What im saying is that EARLY THRASH IS NOT "90% NWOBHM".

here, this might help ...
I wish i was 14, fact of the matter is that over half of my music collection is probably older than you.

I don't see what the of the music you listen to has to do with your own age. I listen to many artists who were born before my Grandpa. That remark was more aimed at the way you express yourself in a very childish way.
no, they are thrash metal. Speed metal was and sometimes still is used interchangeably with a lot of early thrash though.

correct. This is something that no one will deny.

Not pure, as the sound was still not fully formed ... but definitely thrash.

This I will agree with 100%.
yeah , now im convinced that you're fucking mentally handicapped and i wont bother with you anymore after this post. I DID NOT SAY EARLY THRASH IS NOT LIKE NWOBHM. i even fucking told you that early thrash was highly influenced by NWOBHM. What im saying is that EARLY THRASH IS NOT "90% NWOBHM".

here, this might help ...

I didn't say that you said that thrash and NWOBHM aren't similar. I asked you to explain what about it is musically different to NWOBHM that makes calling NWOBHM 90% of its sound incorrect since you said that it was. You should click on your own link.

You have yet to tell me even a single thing, a single moment in a song even, that shows that early thrash is not almost entirely based on NWOBHM.
I don't see what the of the music you listen to has to do with your own age. I listen to many artists who were born before my Grandpa. That remark was more aimed at the way you express yourself in a very childish way.

I have this theory that people always like the music that was released around the time they were born the best. Almost all my favourite albums were released either a few years before or after the year I was born. It probably helps that 1991 was a badass year for metal, though - and grunge.
i dont listen to anthrax so that doesn't count. But yea you picked the most speedy sounding debut, thats for sure. But are you saying KIMB, SNM and KEA sound like fucking early Blind Guardian to you?

Your age is pretty irrelevant and I don't get why that keeps being mentioned. I, for one, am around the same age as you.

it was mentioned because a few of you children here thought you were going to give me some kind of a history lesson on thrash. Geez, i guess maybe you do need me to break everything down and spoon feed it to you.
I have this theory that people always like the music that was released around the time they were born the best. Almost all my favourite albums were released either a few years before or after the year I was born. It probably helps that 1991 was a badass year for metal, though - and grunge.

Not true for me at all. I was born in 1991 but that's around where most music starts to lose my interest. There was great stuff at that time and after ofcourse.
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i dont listen to anthrax so that doesn't count. But yea you picked the most speedy sounding debut, thats for sure. But are you saying KIMB, SNM and KEA sound like fucking early Blind Guardian to you?

Well speed metal is basically just accelerated heavy metal music. So Fistful of Metal sounds a bit like accelerated Priest, whereas Show No Mercy sounds like accelerated Venom, and Battalions of Fear like accelerated Maiden. So yeah, I can see a commonality in their styles from a musical standpoint, even if they don't sound identical (after all, it's not like every thrash band sounds identical).