Controversial opinions on metal

Me too, I am waiting for another surgery. All of this shit should be over in spring. Hopefully.
He is definately not! I don't care about Maiden, but how the hell would that be controversial??
and kwanzaa with his niggas, right?

I'm sorry. His singing is horrible. I've heard the new cd (the singing ruins it BTW) and some bootleg of a live show where they've played the whole thing. It was horrrrrible. He doesn't sound like a professional singer, he sounds like a guy in mid 50s singing in a bathroom. Srsly.

If you can't hear the iron control Dickinson exerts over much of his music, you must be a gigantic philistine. Considering his chosen style and technique, the fact that he's not all over the place is absolutely amazing.

EDIT: Why the hell did I use the word philistine? Read* flaming pile of ass, instead.