Controversial opinions on metal

While I agree that quality of art is subjective I do understand where Internally Deformed is coming from and is the main reason I think it is important to debate about art and dissect it. I mean imagine if this band came up with this unique piece of that required incredible skill to make and you just absolutely loved it, but no one paid attention to it while you had this other artists who records himself shitting on the toilet and becomes super popular and everyone loves him thinking he's a musical genius of some sort and he's getting all kinds of fame and money. That was a crude way of putting it but it would piss you off no?

I agree entirely with what you say. I obviously have to point out the exception to the rule, here, which is Tracey Emin
Just curious is there anyone here who would defend Lulu?
There's a weirdness factor to Lulu that I can definitely appreciate. Understand though I'm also a longtime Lou Reed fan so the vocals and lyrics on that album weren't the least bit surprising. The last thing you can say about Metallica is that they're a one-note band, regardless of whether or not you agree with their musical decisions. They knew from the get-go they'd get trashed for it and that's commendable. The massive butthurt that album caused was hilarious too.
There's a weirdness factor to Lulu that I can definitely appreciate. Understand though I'm also a longtime Lou Reed fan so the vocals and lyrics on that album weren't the least bit surprising. The last thing you can say about Metallica is that they're a one-note band, regardless of whether or not you agree with their musical decisions. They knew from the get-go they'd get trashed for it and that's commendable. The massive butthurt that album caused was hilarious too.

If they expected they'd get trashed for it I just think they could've reacted better to the backlash from fans.
How did they react?

My recollection of Lulu was it was too boring to even be controversial. With St Anger they at least tried something, even if it didn't work. Lulu was just uninspired and repetitive.

Lou Reed said something about how his work was only for literate people or some shit and I believe it was James who refered to the fans as men living in their mothers basement complaining on the internet.
fwiw I just listened to Lulu again and Mistress Dread, Junior Dad, and Dragon were my three favorites in that order. The worst parts weren't as bad as I thought.
I'm actually listening to Dragon now, and weirdly it reminds me of Neurosis (if Neurosis was more repetitive and had terrible vocals). I don't think I've ever actually gotten that far through the album before.
All you need to know about that album is that is literally killed Lou Reed. Two years of its poisonous existence permeated a toxin Reed's liver couldn't conquer.

I'm sure he was already weak from the damage that was caused by Metal machine music.
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Controversial opinion I may have already stated but heavy metal bands tend not to be the best at creating atmosphere. Obviously there are plenty of exceptions and ones who can do atmosphere extremely well.