Controversial opinions on metal

I don't get how I've never lost interest in metal even for a second or ever thought it was boring or there was nothing interesting going on.
The thing is, I could never find an anchor in any of the subgenres.Like you know, BDM, black metal, etc. Maybe my attention span for extreme metal is not the same as it used to be. I'd rather listen to stuff I'm already familiar with.
the sound of a circular saw cutting through another circular saw, wielded by a 60ft tall robot I imagine.
I was always curious what happens to man if he doesn't go through all that shit in the beginning and here we are, a fine arrogant bitch it is.


Personally, I think the idea of "gateway bands" existing is stupid. I don't think their is honestly much of a disparity between so-called gateway bands and so-called non-gateway bands, much like popular vs underground metal groups. Those bands aren't necessarily more accessible, and it isn't necessary for a person new to metal to listen to them first. I'm the kind of person who actually listens to bands because I like them and see something worthwhile in them, so I don't have any reason not to like them years later. The idea of going through phases just seems a bit childish to me.

I got into extreme metal initally from Cradle of Filth, but my interest in metal grew stronger with bands who really weren't known at the time like Tvangeste, Fairytale Abuse and few others. I discovered those bands on my own from reading about them online, not from downloading or myspace - and being new to metal at the time, I had no idea which bands were popular and which weren't, not that that made any difference to me.

But agree with what was said earlier, the past few years or so more people are getting into metal from underground bands because of downloading, myspace, forums etc. Not to mention their desire to earn kvlt cred points plays a role, whether they admit it or not.
I agree the term is stupid (I didn't think of it) but look at it, I got into extreme metal from CoF aswell (what a coincidence eh?). I only didn't follow a gay-transvestite purple like fairytale taste like you did but I was actually trying to find good bands.

I do listen to good bands. But people have the mentality of: "They're a gateway band, they are only good until you find something you (as well as others) think is better, then there's no use in listening to that band afterwards at all."
because gateway bands have more of a mainstream appeal that more underground bands don't, which is why everyone likes the 'underground bands' better. most people like myself will keep some bands that you just listened to so often even though you might neglect the whole subgenre

I do listen to good bands. But people have the mentality of: "They're a gateway band, they are only good until you find something you (as well as others) think is better, then there's no use in listening to that band afterwards at all."

I don't see why you're laughing. I didn't call bands you like gateway and I never stated that gateway bands are shit. I just reminded the paradox that we both began listening to extreme metal with same band.

And I used that word last time nao kthxbai it's gay.

At rms: And it's definately not a subgenre.
I don't see why you're laughing. I didn't call bands you like gateway and I never stated that gateway bands are shit. I just reminded the paradox that we both began listening to extreme metal with same band.

And I used that word last time nao kthxbai it's gay.

I was laughing at the latter half of your post. :Smug:

But what is the paradox in regards to it being that we both
began listening to extreme metal through the same band?

And I guess my point was that unlike most people I still listen to pretty much all of the same bands I've ever listened to because I saw something in those bands that was worthwhile to me. So I don't view them as a gateway band - they are a band just like any other.
I'm just saying that it's stupid to categorize bands as "gateway" bands and that I am opposed to the idea that bands exist as "gateway" bands because they aren't any different from other groups when you really think about it. A lot of what makes a so-called gateway band is the simple fact that their name is out there due in large part to higher levels of promotion and lots of touring. So it's obvious a person getting into metal will likely first listen to something well-known before discovering underground bands.

The implication is that a gateway band is of lesser importance in the long-run because they are likely to be discarded once that person becomes more and more familiar with the genre they are looking into. I just don't see why that should be the case. Popularity isn't always an indication of quality in either direction, and is often interpreted as being highly accessible which isn't always the case.
This isn't rocket science. Being labelled as a gateway band simply means that they appeal to a larger group of people than more specialized underground bands, and are probably more simple and less subtle. There really isn't any room for ifs or buts here.
Personally, I think the idea of "gateway bands" existing is stupid. I don't think their is honestly much of a disparity between so-called gateway bands and so-called non-gateway bands, much like popular vs underground metal groups. Those bands aren't necessarily more accessible, and it isn't necessary for a person new to metal to listen to them first.

I don't see what's wrong with the term. It just refers to bands whom more metalheads, historically, have started with when getting into the scene. This doesn't at all suggest anything about the quality of those bands, but they are almost always relatively more popular bands, which means that they are usually more accessible. But no, of course you don't have to start out with those bands. There's just a greater probability that someone new to metal will.

I'm the kind of person who actually listens to bands because I like them and see something worthwhile in them, so I don't have any reason not to like them years later. The idea of going through phases just seems a bit childish to me.

I'm not a fortune teller and I'm assuming you aren't either. It's easy to pick out what we like right now, but I personally can't guarantee that I'll feel the same way about my favorite music 5 or 10 years from now, and neither can you. Some of it will stick, some of it won't. People go through phases throughout their lives because of this, and it's not childish. It's just natural.
This isn't rocket science. Being labelled as a gateway band simply means that they appeal to a larger group of people than more specialized underground bands, and are probably more simple and less subtle. There really isn't any room for ifs or buts here.

In my book, memorable >>>>> complex or subtle.