Controversial opinions on metal

The black album was the first metal album i ever got so it has pretty much always been my definition of heavy metal. It's an incredible album, i cant enjoy it very much anymore though as i pretty much listened to it a year straight before ever buying anything else. Pretty weird though, i bought it in 94, back then no one in my age knew about Metallica it seemed.
Maybe they should do a 'live' album of those songs or something done really well.

If Rob's up to it though.

Hearing what Rob Halford would do to Dreamer Deceiver with what's left of his singing voice nowadays would be a horrible, horrible thing. G5 or go home!
To be honest, I've never really cared much for anything Metallica. Be it a song like "Master of Puppets" or more worse ones like "The Unforgiven"...:erk: