Controversial opinions on metal

a common opinion but i strongly disagree, it's no more homogeneous than many of the great death/black metal recordings to follow, and the fact that it revolves so tightly and relentlessly round the thematic core only adds to its impact imo.
a common opinion but i strongly disagree, it's no more homogeneous than many of the great death/black metal recordings to follow, and the fact that it revolves so tightly and relentlessly round the thematic core only adds to its impact imo.

I don't like most of these recordings you speak of either. The best death/black metal albums in my opinion are far less homogeneous than RiB... They'd have to be, otherwise they wouldn't be so great.
I still don't understand all the hype for Dol Guldur. I find it to be Summoning's weakest release. Someone please explain what I'm missing.
i think with just about every OSDM classic the distinct identities of the songs gradually reveal themselves, it just takes longer. every song on RiB has its own personality for me, as someone intimately familiar with it (and i love each and every one). same with, say, 'transilvanian hunger' or 'descend into the absurd'.

anyway what's your argument against hell awaits, that sure as hell isn't homogeneous
I still don't understand all the hype for Dol Guldur. I find it to be Summoning's weakest release. Someone please explain what I'm missing.

methinks it's their most dynamic, their most fluid, their hugest in scope, their most tragic, most hypnotic, etcetc.

edit: i think the production has something to do with it
I still don't understand all the hype for Dol Guldur. I find it to be Summoning's weakest release. Someone please explain what I'm missing.

What No Country said. I agree with him fully for a change. Have only heard Dol Guldur and Stronghold so far though. I liked Stronghold at first but it grew tiring quick.
St. Anger is without a doubt one of the worst albums and the joke cover version with the hard on should have been the official album cover.
That is truly a controversial opinion. That album is probably one of the worst I have ever heard in regards to songwriting and performance. Especially considering its done by such a well established band such as Metallica.

Um, the title track and "Dirty Window" were actually pretty cool songs.
Um, the title track and "Dirty Window" were actually pretty cool songs.

To each his own I guess...

There are probably only a couple of parts on that whole album I can stand and that could be made into something good. The rest is pure shit to my ears.

Otherwise I like every other Metallica record (counting only studio albums with original material). However if they dont fix the sound on DM I wont buy that one for sure. It sounds awful but I kind of like the songs.
There not relevent because all there albums get repetetive and forgettable with the exception of some of their earlier work.And South Of Heaven isnt boring its different and its a hell of a album.Morbid Angel I could never get into.In my opinion theres nothing special abour them.