Controversial opinions on metal

Your friend is retarded.
Anyhow, it annoys me when people criticize a genre or something in a genre they don't like. Obviously you don't like it, you hate that genre, and thus your opinion on it beyond stating a dislike for the genre is not valid.
Not really one or the other... Opinions are always valid, it just depends on how you state them. It is possible to respect something you hate, believe it or not.
Okay. Valid is the wrong word.
He should have said "I don't like power metal, and I don't like edguy."
And then we could all have been like "well no shit."
The purpose of this thread is slipping when people get called retards and morons for stating their controversial opinion, then you just as well might go to Africa and call everyone my pals and receive what's coming to you, on the other hand an explanation for every opinion should also be presented.

Not necessarily. Just because this is the controversial opinions thread, doesn't make said opinions immune to scrutiny. If I think someone's opinion is stupid, I'm gonna fucking call them on it.
Not necessarily. Just because this is the controversial opinions thread, doesn't make said opinions immune to scrutiny. If I think someone's opinion is stupid, I'm gonna fucking call them on it.

This. It's the controversial opinions thread, not the "say whatever the fuck you want and not get flamed" thread.
Gimme the damn chocolate, you bastard.
