Controversial opinions on metal

Most of it. I'm mostly referring to the blatant southern rock/blues influence. I know it's not 100% accurate. I guess it would be more accurate to say that they sound like heavy metal fused with southern rock, with a hint of thrash influence as well. You can hear that Pantera are influenced by southern rock, as well as Sabbath and Metallica.
another controversial opinion: Following the Voice of Blood is a horrible album, and it's as bad as lot of the generic bedroom black metal I hear. And I like a lot of Graveland's work.

Most of the time i've ranked the Gravelands come to the conclusion this is the best. The 2nd half is monstrously good.
Most of it. I'm mostly referring to the blatant southern rock/blues influence. I know it's not 100% accurate. I guess it would be more accurate to say that they sound like heavy metal fused with southern rock, with a hint of thrash influence as well. You can hear that Pantera are influenced by southern rock, as well as Sabbath and Metallica.

I challenge you to find the southern rock influence on TGSTK (with the exception of the outro of TGSTK). But overall, I'd say there's some influence from Southern rock. But mostly from Sabbath and Metallica n stuff all heavy'ed up.
Dimebag's solos are way bluesy, definitely. I think it would be from Dimebag's dad being a blues guitarist.
Definitely in the solos, and in some of the riffs (Like on "I'm Broken," the end of "The Great Southern Trendkill," etc). But most of it is pretty much straight fucking metal.