Controversial opinions on metal

Probably. There's just no other insult that has the same ring to it. I mean, you can say 'that's shit', 'that sucks', 'you suck', but saying 'you're fucking gay' just seems to deliver so much better. I actually prefer to call people the n-word but I'd probably get banned if I started doing that.

Yeah, that word actually gets tossed around quite a bit in my band. We should probably stop.
'my pals.' (It's ok because I put marks around it.) I hate to admit it, but we do it alot, and it's starting to want to slip out at particularly inopportune times. Like in public. Now let's stop before we get banned.
Yeah, you don't really want to get in the habit of saying that word regularly. If you say it at work, you could get fired, and if you say it in public, you could potentially wind up getting your ass kicked by a bunch of people.
Emperor's Anthems is actually a pretty good album despite the somewhat poor production( I redownloaded it recently) I don't understand why there's so much backlash against it in the underground. Sure, the sound is quite busy, but I find that the music is pleasantly hypnotic, if you put in the effort to untangle the "mess". Considering the amount of poorly recorded albums that are considered the epitome of art, the negative criticism against this album confounds me.
Show No Mercy the worst Slayer release? but what about God Hates Us All, I thought that was the consensus "worst" album from slayer.
Some of my opinions that are deemed controversial, thus making me a faggot include the following:

-Cannibal Corpse is a great band, and George Fisher is a fantastic vocalist.

-The only good thing Mayhem ever put out was Deathcrush, which happens to be one of metal's finest moments.

-A lot of technical death metal doesn't suck (as long as it isn't masturbatory to the point of frustration).

-Everything post Hell Awaits by Slayer is trash.

-Vehemence's God Was Created is the best melodic death metal album I have ever heard.

I can't think of many others, but that should suffice. Really, I tend to be a melting pot of opinions when it comes to music, especially with metal.

In keeping with the discussion regarding the "n word", its probably up there with "fuck" and "cunt" in terms of words I use most frequently. I like to have fun and combine the three words to form one attack on a friend who happens to be acting like a jackass.
Emperor's Anthems is actually a pretty good album despite the somewhat poor production( I redownloaded it recently) I don't understand why there's so much backlash against it in the underground. Sure, the sound is quite busy, but I find that the music is pleasantly hypnotic, if you put in the effort to untangle the "mess". Considering the amount of poorly recorded albums that are considered the epitome of art, the negative criticism against this album confounds me.

I think the complexity is a major factor in why it's resented.
That album must be pretty fucking good because there's a lot of melodic death that I like. I would have to say that Illdisposed's 1-800 Vindication takes the top spot for me right now.
God Was Created fucking SUCKS. Ugh, terrible concept, horrible lyrics, and generally just not good music.